He could almost feel his own head give a sympathetic throb as the young woman's head cracked against the edge of her car as she jumped in reaction to his voice , a brief wince touching his lips, and Telthris did his best to look acceptably apologetic. Even when she leveled an impressive glower in his direction a few seconds later. He did start to feel a little uneasy after a moment however, back stiffening imperceptibly, as the blue-eyed glare stretched out hand in hand with her silence until she finally spoke, instantly dispelling his uncertainty. "Long drives seem to make even The best of us a little bossy." He responded pleasantly, Giving his head a slight tilt and offering a small smile to portray his understanding, though remaining completely aware of her unease by the faint scent he could detect. "It's A pleasure to make your acquaintance MJ. Welcome to Sunnyside." He continued, stepping forward and pushing open the trunk of her car. Dark eyes sweeping over the boxes that had been fit tightly into the trunk, he quickly noted which looked the heaviest and which had written on the outside that the contents were fragile, eventually hooking his fingers under the edge and lifting out a particularly weighty box and balancing it against the rim for a moment before he could get a firm hold on it, hefting it into his arms with ease. Turning expectantly towards the front of the house, He let his readiness and another smile touch his eyes. "it's my pleasure to be able to help."