Alexa frowned. There was a lot of shit that she didn't want anything to do with, but she didn't exactly have a choice at this point. Her reputation might call upon rash behavior, but Alexa had gone too far this time, and everybody in the team knew it. As she was passed around from Kali to Raze, she replayed the mission's events in her head. The whole thing had fallen to pieces as soon as it started; with a lack of clear direction and no solid objective, there was just about no hope for success. Then Yarsin's head exploded and Alexa took a bullet in her shoulder. After that, her memory became a blur. She had simply lost control over her emotions. Without Aria as her stabilizing figure, Alexa had nothing to reign in her anger. She shuddered. She hated analyzing herself, but caught herself doing it more often than she wanted. Self analysis was rough, and it complicated things. Alexa didn't like complicated things. In any case, she had pushed herself much farther than was necessary or than she ever had before, and it was clear that something needed to change in Alexa's mindset if she was going to survive without clear supervision. Alexa's mind returned to the present. Kali's clear concern for her was both comforting and unnerving. She had never had anyone that actually cared for her wellbeing; if anything, Alexa was much more accustomed to Raze's abrasiveness or Kerr'Shal's nonchalance. Once again, Alexa shelved the thought. Something to think about later on, but there were more pressing matters. As always. When everyone had finished speaking, Alexa nodded Michael's way. "Hey, asshole. If you're gonna take charge, you're gonna have to do better than 'sit on the balcony and wait.' I'm no leader, but you had four capable people each with their own strengths jerking off in the corner up there. The first thing the Eclipse taught me was to play to your strengths, and Aria hammered that lesson in even more. Why do you think I'm such a bitch? Because that's what works for me." Alexa took a deep, staggered breath. Despite the team's best efforts to fix her wounds, Alexa found herself short of breath. She continued, "Kali and I are biotic powerhouses. Raze is a krogan, which speaks for itself. Arlius is quiet and unsuspecting, but if she can put together a gun like what she's packing right now, she's got to be pretty damn smart, especially if she got placed with us. Kerr'Shal has got to be more useful than finding ignition rods and flying around in our dead contact's car." Alexa speech was slow and slurred, but the harshness in her voice was still there. "I'm not listening to your orders, especially if they're gonna keep being as bad as today's. Yeah, I fucked up, and I was stupid, but if we'd had the team covering entry points, Yarsin might still be alive and I might not have a gaping hole in my shoulder." Alexa's head swirled. It wasn't nearly as bad as before, but it still sucked. "At this point, I don't give a shit who ends up leading this team, as long as they can do better than this mess we're in. "Now can we go to a hospital? As much as I like standing around and chatting, I'd still like to get fixed up."