Staz was confused, [b]"How can you know nothing about the marines when you're at a marine base?"[/b] He asked while he was writing down her order and scooping up the berries into his hand. Stuffing the berries into his apron, he let out a small gasp. This girl was a pirate? If she was, then how did she manage to get into the base? Wouldn't she have been captured by now? Staz was more than capable of taking her down and bringing her to the guards, but he didn't have enough proof to decide that she really was a pirate, [b]"Even if the other marines aren't tough enough to beat you, I sure am! Look!"[/b] Staz hopped off the table and he immediately turned into his human-red panda form. His tail disappeared and his body grew in size as well as muscle. His ears were replaced with human ears and his paws were now human hands and included fingers and his barefoot feet had little toes on them. He was shirtless, so his muscular body could be visibly seen and his apron was covering his bottom half. Compared to Alicia, he was much taller [i]and[/i] stronger. He loomed over and cracked his knuckles, [b]"In this form, I can kick your ass in a millisecond."[/b] he snickered. Hearing that she was looking for supplies, he let out another laugh, [b]"Why would the marines aid a pirate? That doesn't make too much sense to me and I'm just a chef. If you're looking for a crew, then you shouldn't have come here. No one here is going to become a pirate, so you're outta luck. You're a funny woman, you know that? I've never heard of a pirate asking the marines for aid before. It's kinda funny."[/b] Staz chuckled, turning around to return to the kitchen, [b]"Once I prepare your dish, I'll come back out and we can chat for a little bit."[/b] he told her, picking up the pitcher and padding back to the kitchen. About a half hour passed and Staz returned, who was still in his human-red panda form, with a bowl of soup and a plate of rice cakes. He placed the food in front of the girl and he grabbed the other chair, pulling it out and sat down, [b]"Before we talk, I wanna know what you think about the soup. I made it myself and though it's silly, the compliments of humans make me feel good."[/b] He nervously asked, gripping onto the table in anticipation.