[Blue and Sonic (Group A) - Infirmary, Second Floor Main Building] Both Blue and Sonic exclaimed out in fear once the lights went out. "What happened to the lights?!?" Blue asked loudly as he felt around. "Ow! You poked my eyes!" Sonic exclaimed out in pain. Soon both of them tripped eachother and they screamed as they fell to the floor, with Blue landing on Sonic. "Ahh! Get off me you pointy eared oaf!" Sonic shouted. "Ahh! Your spines are like spikes! They are cutting into me!" Blue shouted in pain. [SMG4 (Group B) - Classroom 2-A, Second Floor Main Building] SMG4 stayed behind with Seprah, just looking around with a calm look. "So... uhh... Seprah, you have a Nintendo 64?" he said to break the ice, and to keep his mind set on something.