Alicia beamed as he transformed, seeming more impressed than intimidated or frightened. She clapped her hands together once as she gave a wide smile, "That's amazing! I'm definitely impressed with your abilities" she commented. Even when the panda mentioned how quickly he could supposedly beat her she continued to smile, her eyes simply taking in the transformation. She'd only ever heard about Zoan Devil Fruits but never had actually seen one before. When the Panda began to go on about how pirates don't ask marines for aid she made a mental note of it, thinking it'll probably be important if she acted more like a pirate, but then... she didn't really know how pirates acted since she'd never even met one. She took another sip from her water as she thought it over, usually pirates were messy unkempt beings with rude behaviors and a tenancy to hurt others for fun. But she was everything but that, she liked to be neat, tidy and pretty hence her current appearance. When the panda walked away to get her the food her attention was taken by a marine sitting a table across, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. He looked like a gruff man who probably wouldn't take nonsense without giving a consequence. He continued to stare for a moment before he spoke, "Did I overhear that you're a pirate..." he asked. Alicia thought about it before nodding, "Sure am, got a ship and everything" she replied, deciding to walk head first into this whole pirate thing. After all if she ever got that deeply in trouble she could maybe rely on her father. Though she really would rather not since she'd run away not three days before. The marine narrowed his gaze but seemed to remain silent after that, allowing Alicia to turn her attention to the room and the various painting on the walls. It seemed some of the captains had their faces on the walls here, and even some of the admirals judging by titles embedded into the bronze plate beneath the painting. When the panda returned, asking if she would first try the soup she smiled softly, taking a spoon before dipping it onto the bowl. She lifted it to her lips before tasting it, her eyes opening wider as the flavors touched her palette, "This is delicious!" she said before taking another spoonful, "This is one of the tastiest soups I've ever had" she said before adding, "You really have a talent for food... I'd love to have food like this on my ship. Hey, actually what about that? why don't you join me?" she said enthusiastically as she looked at the panda. Despite her hunger she still ate at a polite pace, also being sure not to make a mess. She took another spoonful as she awaited the reply from the panda. .