Just copy and pasting the character, IC post will be up later tonight [hider=Charlie Flin] Real Name: Charlie Flin Alias: Con Age: 22 Gender:Male Place of Birth: Chicago Occupation:Salesman Physical Appearance: [img=http://www.batoto.net/forums/uploads/profile/photo-28118.png?_r=0] Costume: Tends to vary mission to mission, but if he is being himself, he wears a pale white mask that covers his full face and full plain black outfit Skills: Incredible liar and actor, good at reading people and deep psychological and sociological knowledge. Good with disguises . Decent fighter Equipment/Resources: A large assortment of clothes, a number of contacts throughtout the city that have helped in cons, and others from being a salesman. Also has a pistol in dire situations Weaknesses: Not the strongest physical fighter. His web of lies sometimes get him caught in trouble Base of Operation:Basement of an abandoned home owned by an alias Biography:Charlie was born into a single parent home. With only a weak willed mom in his life, he became pretty accustomed to having things this way. This resulted in a bit of a complex, where he will even cause people to suffer for him to get his way. However, upon reaching elementry school, he found teachers and fellow students weren't as easy to get on his side. Wanting his way, he began to study people, and learned that instead of throwing a fit or crying like many kids, he could talk like normal and thorw a couple lies around with a smile, and people accepted it a lot easier. After realizing this, he spent his school years practicing and developed a strong ability to lie, and also got very good at reading people and how people react to different actions. After graduation high school, he became a salesman, an easy profession for someone of his skills. However, at nineteen, he found his mom was selling things she owned, and seemed a bit panicked about things. Over the next month, he found out his mom had been pulled into a long con, and fell into a huge debt, to the point of suicide. Upset that someone would try and con his mom, feeling that he should be the only one to do that, he sought out of the person who conned his mom, a crooked politicain and his cronies. Using the skills he spent most of his life developing, he managed to con the man into a confession, get him arrested, and take some of his cash as a reward. Charlie found he had enjoyed this act of heroism more than he expected. He began seeking out other targets similar to the politician, conning con artist, earning him the name, the con, and giving him a bit of a reputation throughout Champion City. He devloped some alter egos, allowing him to purchase property with no connection to him, and set up a home away from home to act as his base, and spent a large amount of time building a network throughout the city for info. Now, he continues to act as a simple salesman, while working on conning any con or villain that he hears of. [/hider]