Lyria diligently scratched their order down on the paper and tore the sheet, which she left between her fingers. Clutching the pad in that hand, she used the other to point to an empty table. "There is a free table just over there. Your order comes to a total of..." The blonde paused to do the mental math. 'Five each for the chicken, three each for the drinks...' "24 pieces of copper." It definitely came cheap, being a casual diner and all, but the people loved the food, and it was perfect for visitors and people without food at home. "It'll be right out." She turned away and waddled over to the girl with fiery hair that Blutwald knew she couldn't forget. The detail would stick in her mind for ages—how the girl had hair so long bewildered him, the red hair she could explain. "What can I do you for, little miss?"