[IMG]http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/cumberlink.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/7/44/744b301a-11b4-11e3-80c0-001a4bcf887a/52210352a1ad6.preview-620.jpg[/IMG] Lacy's mom an dad escort her as they do every year straight to the Zephyr's platform. Her mom a witch walks with a quiet dignity undisturbed by the hustling crowd of parents an children, her father on the other hand walks like a tourist newly arrived pointing out things he finds strange or interesting.. Some kids would be horribly embarrassed by such a dad but to Lacy it makes him all the more adorable because in his muggle profession her is a true scientist. When the Trio arrive at the edge of the platform where the Zephyr awaits her mom begins straightening Lacy's Uniform while wearing a serious expression. [B]"Now Lacy before you board the train I want to chat with you about something of the utmost importance."[/B] says her mom whilst wearing a serious expression. Lacy's a bit surprised when her father begins to say something and her mother gives him her "stay out" look. Her dad mumbles something about "you're on your own" then walks over to where a family has just walked up with three identical little boys with black hair who appear to be first years. Lacy's mom instantly draws her attention back upon her as she says [B]"Lacy you've just become 15 and a beautiful young woman so I felt it was time....."[/B] [B]"MOM!" Not the talk, I don't need the talk for I learned about procreation when I was 9, I looked it up on the internet"[/B] protests Lacy as her face turns red Her mom giggles covering her mouth and answers [B]"Not that talk for I'm aware of your dearth of knowledge due to exposure to the internet. I was going to tell you that we love you and trust you, but that we....I don't trust boys. I did so want you to attend Madame's school as I did but your father insisted that you be close and your formative years be in coed."[/B] Her mom sighs and draws her close hugging her as she sobs. [B]"Mom you're making a scene, people will think I'm a first year the way you're carrying on."[/B] says Lacy as she struggles to breath. Her dad rescues her before brain damage can occur due to loss of oxygen. Her too hugs her an she feels him slip something into her jacket pocket. [B]"Just look at her Louise, she's as red as a Lobster freshly steamed. You know your mom is just being protective even if it is draconian extreme." [/B] chuckles her dad [B]"I will admit that I don't blame her though, look how lovely you are"[/B] he adds stepping back an wrapping Lacy's mom in his bear like arms [B]"Every since your friend from down the lane got....[/B] says her mom only to be stopped short by her father's hand over her mouth [B]"Mom I'm not wild and bored like Susan Bryant, I promise not to get knocked up"[/B] says Lacy which causes her mom's eyes to widen Lacy taking a lesson from Sun Tzu and retreats rather than enter a pointless and prolonged battle.. A quick kiss to both her parents then an escape on board the Zephyr and Lacy is free from parental concerns and finds a compartment