[center][img=http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-14706267_zps64516cfe.png][/center] [center][b]Aubrey Adkins[/b][/center] My sleep was abruptly interrupted when I heard a piercing scream, no doubt coming from one of my roommates. Apparently, one of my roommates saw a spider in the bathroom and of course she was freaking out. Something just did not feel right. I felt a solid, rigid, cold surface under me. How could this be possible? I fell asleep on the couch. While our couch was not the most comfortable piece of furniture, whatever I was reclining on was definitely far worse. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the bathroom in our apartment. However, what I saw in the mirror was more shocking than waking up in the bathroom. While I found myself on top of the countertop in our bathroom, I discovered that I had shrunk to the size of a quarter. Moreover, my human head was attached to the body of a brown widow spider. Everything inside that bathroom towered over me. Some situations, such as falling into the sink drain, which normally would not be a problem, now were hazards to me. Through the mirror, I also saw Felecia standing behind me, panicking over the sight of a “widow” spider, whose reputation for its lethal poison was legendary. From the terror stricken expression that she wore on her face, I could tell that my roommate could not apprehend the idea of a human head on a spider’s body. This situation looked as if it was taken directly out of the original [i]The Fly[/i] movie. The only difference was that I was not about ready to be eaten by some ‘dominant’ predator. Due to the ruckus that Felecia was creating, Ashley entered into the bathroom so that she might discover why our roommate was having a panic attack. When she saw me, Ashley jumped so high due to her shock that she could have almost hit the ceiling, in spite of her height. Of course that was metaphorical, but something still did not register in their heads. Why did they not recognize that I was their roommate? I still had my human head. But was I too small for them to recognize a human face? My spider-sense started to tingle. Thank God I still had that. Before I knew it, Ashley had taken off her shoe and begun to slam it down on the counter where I was standing. I darted to my right, hoping that the shoe would miss me. Nevertheless, I was not fast enough to escape from the ‘kill zone’ of the shoe. While the shoe came down onto me, I could feel my whole body becoming smashed under the shoe’s pressure. Once Ashley removed the shoe, the only part of me that was not harmed was my head. Oh God. Does this mean this isn’t a dream, unlike the last one, where I grew four extra arms? Don’t you usually wake up from a nightmare right after something like this happens? Is this really happening? Well, something else distracted me from these questions. When I looked in the mirror, I saw that my body was beginning to regenerate. I almost looked like a Christmas blow-up decoration when it begins to inflate. After only a mere few seconds, my whole body (still spider-like) reformed, looking as if nothing had happened a few seconds ago. “Holy s***!” Felecia cried, freaked out by my miraculous recovery, “it’s a freaking zombie spider!” “Guys, wait!” I yelled. However, due to my high, my voice was distorted, almost inaudible to my two roommates. I began to back up, hoping to show that I did not mean any harm. I was their roommate, for crying out load! But I took one misstep and I found myself tumbling into the basin of the bathroom sink. Once they saw that I had fallen into the sink, my roommates immediately flooded the basin with the facet water, hoping to send me down the drain. All I remember were the lights going out right before I sank into the drain. I immediately sat up, my whole body drenched in sweat. I found myself on our couch, in my normal, human appearance. It was in the end all a dream. I tried to fall back to sleep, but that nightmare prevented me from even getting any more rest. I peered over toward one of our apartment’s window. Something about the darkness of the night began to entice me. I didn’t know what overcame me, but the draw of the night forced me over to the window, fully clad in my “super hero” costume. My instincts pressured me into opening the window and diving straight into the darkness. But were these human or arachnid instincts? Would I be out saving the innocent, or would I be hunting pray?