******************** Ryomi Fiett Leitannia vs. Bloodshot (Match 1) ******************** She had planned on charging up energy, but the strike of his latest attack caused her to cry out in pain and loose all focus on that task, making it all but impossible. She could almost instantly tell that she'd no longer be able to walk until her vessel could be repaired, but that was the most miniscule of problems she was facing at the moment; a combination of the electricity and the horrible position she was in. As it turns out she had severely underestimated this man both in his strength and sturdiness of his armor. She had never seen anything like it; the current tech of her world advanced but not even close to what this was capable of. Even if she lost her body as a vessel, it was still highly important to get this information so that they could come up with a plan on dealing with him later should he become a serious threat. Unless he had more tricks up his sleeve it was unlikely he could stop her and her sister's spirit forms from slipping away in the event that things did come to that, as it appeared all the more likely as this battle waged on. Her heart was indeed taking a beating from all this electricity. Another blast and she'd be done for. She reached out with her free hand, pointing her index finger at his face and began building up energy. She'd follow his head with her aiming finger and unleash her energy just as any of his sudden movements made it seem like he'd try to do something to stop her, but only then would she do so in order to build up energy for the maximum length of time that he gave her. She didn't know if it would be enough, but it was her best shot now. ******************** Cellinli Lienfeld vs. Niks (Match 1) ******************** She was both frightened and surprised how the being managed to survive her surprise attack with minimal damage. Unfortunately she couldn't get much stronger than that; physically at least. She'd have to form a massive compression of air and then pop it next to him in order for a more powerful attack, and that would take a lot of time and effort. Perhaps 20 or so seconds would be good enough. That could work if he was as slow as he looked, but then again it would still be difficult no matter how slow he was. She began to form the ball of compressed air in the doorway, which he would see as a normal bubble without any liquidy texture to it. Normally it was a disadvantage that he could see her attacks forming well in advance, but in this case it would hopefully have the bright side of confusing him or making him cautious to approach, thus blocking the primary way in and out for him. If he could just be pinned down in that building while she worked on making this bubble larger and more powerful she might just have a chance to pull this off. Of course there was a lot that could go wrong with this plan but it was the best idea she had of getting out of this situation alive. While she began to form the bubble, which was now the size of a golf ball, she spoke to try to buy even more time. "You're clearly a bad guy. I just need to destroy everyone around here like you and maybe I'll be able to find a safe way out of this mess," she answered, voice slightly strained due to her focusing on her magic at the same time. "But I'll gladly accept a surrender if you are so willing." ******************** Evvie vs. Aurelia (Match 1) ******************** Evvie's tail perked up in surprise as the one opponent turned into multiple opponents. It was just like before, only a whole lot worse and more confusing now. She couldn't even use her hands to count how many there were, but it was likely double or so her amount of fingers. Her eyes darted around between them, watching to see if they were going to do something else fishy to her now that they had her surrounded. For now they just stood around, watching her as she watched them. They were stalling for something. She didn't like just standing around for very long, so she'd have to start bringing the fight to them again no matter how many there may be. With both hands she picked up a boulder about the size of her entire body and chucked it towards a grouping in front of her. Hopefully as it hit the ground it would roll around and take down at last a couple of them in the process. After the boulder was in the air she rushed off to her right side to try and start beating them all up with her hands and feet whenever the opening in their defenses presented itself. She'd try moving around to fight whoever was closest to her at the time, which she'd continue until they did something else, she was the last one standing, or they had defeated her.