The captain figuring something out meant shenanigans but in all honesty now that he was in the hot seat it sounded like a better idea than it had as an imagined outcome on the street. Rarden nodded his approval of the captain's searching for a solution and followed the other man's gaze around the restaurant, on sure of what their of them was searching for. "That's right... we can barter some of the junk that's fallen off of the boat. Scrap value." He didn't believe it even as he said it. Some rotting wood wasn't going to get them far with a restaurant. As it turned out, their help was to come from above. A blur caught in the corner of his vision, and Rarden's head whipped around as a bag full of coins plopped down on their table with a metallic but muffled thud. By the sounds of things it was covering a lot more than the three copper they were short but... maybe they were expected to send the excess back. That was polite, wasn't it? "Look, captain. The locals have taken pity on us," he said, already trying to figure out just what about their little group set them apart from all of the other folk trying to buy a meal. "I think your hat is winning us friends," Rarden concluded.