The colorless girl was quiet, merely looking on. Her eyes found a girl in the crowd of newbies that appeared to be... bubbly... per say. Almost the exact opposite of the colorless alien holding the still body of the Boy of Malice. She approached her, eyes fixed on the purple garb she adorned and oddly orange-y toned skin. "The being was... gentle... in a way." She cocked her head to the side, her monotone delivery as simple as always as she spoke to the tall alien girl. "He appeared to desire sustenance of this planet alone." As she spoke, once again a loud groan ripped from her stomach. The same, metallic, hollow sound signifying hunger that had not been satisfied in a while rippled throughout the space around them. She looked to the one who called himself 'Triune.' "I seek to question you more, Otherworld Anchor."