"I"m new here. Only been in the town for a little while." Ryan answered honestly as he remembered his reasons for coming to Jump city in the first place. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to think back, as the leader of the Teen Titans was standing right in front of him. "Sorry if you get this a lot, but I can't believe that I'm talking to the leader of the Teen Titans!" He said with a nervous laugh, getting Robin to smirk slightly. "You were bound to run into us eventually. What's your name?" The leader asked Ryan, wondering if he was just a civilian or not, but if he was able to survive the fight with only a few bruises, then he was obvious more than just human. "I'm Ryan, but in costume I go by Flash Freeze." He said calmly, inwardly exploding because of who he was talking two. He was about to say more, but he was interupted by the little being that was fighting inside the mech. Both he and Robin turned to see what he was saying. Robin looked at the image in front of him and examined the only one who wasn't currently with the large group. He had never seen such a being before, and could easily say that it wasn't human. It seemed that nowadays more and more aliens were making their way to earth for one reason or another. With a shake of his head, Robin responded to Rumble. "No, we haven't seen anyone like him before. What was he like?" Robin wanted to know as much about the blue alien as possible. He was much more focused on that alien instead of the costuumed alien in front of him, who had an oddly similar costume to Robin himself. ------ Starfire looked around the scene with curiosity. Her childlike wonder never really left her, despite the fact that she had been living on the same planet for quite some time. There was always something new and exciting on earth, and she knew well that she never wanted to leave. Her attention was moved to the colorless alien woman and her eyes widened in surprise. She had never actually seen her kind up close before, but she had heard a few things from her time on Tamaran about the Taalunia - or was it Taalunians? She wasn't sure, but that didn't get in the way of her curiosity about the fellow alien. "Food..." She said quietly, curious about why the alien caused all of this trouble just for food. She assumed that he had a good reason, and began to look around once more when the colorless girl was no longer focused on Starfire.