[Ruby] [All good mechanically, you adapt well to your new morph and take the continuity loss with no real problems.] "I tried getting gear as close as possible to what Pyrrhos informed me you had. Not the same brands and all, but should work the same... Hopefully" [Basically, your gear is there] "I know you just rezzed in and this is not really fun, but you are going to get to business right about now... I already took the liberty of calling Zhi and Z0ey over, your new collegues, they'll explain what's going on so far. Anyways... I've got to get back to work, people are getting suspicious. Good luck sorting this mess out." As he says this, he leaves and you are left alone in the resleeving room. You can hear the bustling sounds of Psychopomp and Legba outside, but for now it seems you are safe and undisturbed.