When Iliana finished setting up the perimeter and joining the warlock near the console, she chuckled hearing the rant of Iliana's dirtied clothes. For being a hunter whom recon in almost all types of terrains, Iliana was still a woman at heart. Asurya was no different. When they weren't out fighting the Fallen or Hive to push back the darkness, she was quite the fashionette. Keeping track of the newest trends in the last city on Earth, she used her credits from her service in the Guardians to pay for the garments and wear them. It was a shame that they didn't have more leave; the Fallen were pushing hard these days. "It's battledress dear; it's suppose to get messy," Asurya said as she checked her pistol's ammo count. She deftly exchanged the current clip for a new one. Asurya too heard the footsteps as the Knight drew nearer. She frowned. Out of all the Hive soldiers she had encountered so far, the Knights and Wizards were the most problematic. If the knight's didn't stick you, the wizard's gladly left their mark. Looking away from the explosion, Asurya narrowed her eyes as she noticed how larger this knight was compared to its kin. The thing most've been an alpha. "Lets deal with the guest, then we'll worry about getting the blood of your coat." Readying a handsome amount of energy in her hand, Asurya's eyes flickered between the Knight's center of mass and its gargantuan blade. While she was fairly confident her shielding could hold out against a hit from that thing, the impact would hurt. After the spawn grenades did their damage and Iliana clicked empty, Asurya aimed her hand cannon and fired at near point blank range at the thing's head - or what she thought was its head anyways. The creatures all looked the same to her. Feeling the arcane energy build up even further, Asurya ran towards the knight. Dodging a swing from the massive blade, she released her energy into the creatures chest. An alien scream filled the air as it roared in rage. She lashed out with a gravity burst as the thing staggered backwards and fell. Seizing the initiative, Asurya raised her hand cannon and emptied her clip in the creature's face. It didn't move. Stepping back, Asurya felt a slight light headedness take her. While she possessed much more stamina than the average warlock - even some of the seniors - using magic took a great deal out of her. She remembered talking to a titan about it. When he asked how taxing using the traveler's powers were, she compared it to his extended marches in the training grounds. Though a Guardian tempered their bodies to be as deadly as possible, the training still left him or her fatigued. Arcanic arts were no different. No matter how much a Warlock mediated to further their mental capacity, using magic was still difficult. "I don't hear anymore foot falls, do you?" she asked Iliana as she handed the hunter a few clips from her belt. Hand cannon ammo. They used the same type. "I think the console is good to go here. Should we head back? The Vanguards will also want an update on this location. They were talking about making a forward base on Mars, if I recall correctly. Why not here?"