Phillip laid on the floor the floor tangled up in his bed sheets snoring loudly. His hefty father then came in pushing the door open making a loud bang as it smashing into the wall. "Oi Time for school!" He said in a thick England accent. Phillip then jumped at the loud deep voice of his father. He then did his daily routine showering, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. "Have fun!" His mother said fixing a clock. Living on the 4th floor he climbed out the roof and onto the roof and looked out into the distance. "Hey Max!" He said running towards the boy walking. He then slid down the roof clutching the ledge and landing in a nearby sack of flour. "Ouch" he said hissing at the the scrape on his elbow. "Psyched for graduation?" He asked excitedly. Phillip always dreamed about the day he would walk on stage and finally receive a job in front of his family.