[hider=Kisheto Yashime] [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] [i]Kisheto Yashime[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Species:[/b] Hybrid [b]Blood%[/b]: 80% Sepharim, 20% Sol [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Sex Preference:[/b] Hetero [b]Height:[/b] 6'5" [b]Weight:[/b] 245 [b]Physical appearance:[/b] [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/228/2/5/cursed_assassins_by_ninjatic-d46tivg.jpg]The one on the right[/url] [b]Apparel[/b]: In the pic, the clothes on the guy on the left. Loose fitting, black with the red accenting scarfs. Kisheto has [url=http://tattooswallz.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/free-arm-tattoo-designs-hd-photo-gallery-tattoo-design--tattoos-for-men-4-wallpaper-hd.jpg]tattoos[/url] running down his exposed arm, and the other arm is covered in a smooth, natural sleeve around the forearm, akin to the Sol's anatomy of leafy structures. His left arm glows black and orange (like the picture above) when his powers are activated, and his eyes also glow orange. His hair is a deep black. He has 3 earrings (like the guy on the left in that picture) and carries around a one strap backpack that straps diagonally across his torso. [b]Personality:[/b] Kisheto is an extremely ambitious individual who also loves to learn. He tends to talk too much, but his big mouth gets him out of trouble as it causes him to fall in it. This is because he has a good heart and doesn't have to kiss ass to make others feel appreciated. His silly antics and somewhat childish curiosity create an amazing vibe for those around him. He does tend to be a bit stubborn with people around his age with his level of wisdom, but he has a great respect for the wise and loves exploring things to learn the way the world works. He is easily distracted and zones out quite a lot however. --- [b][u]Soul Level:[/b][/u] 1- Add Spell (Seraphim Teleportation) [b]Class:[/b] Nomad [b]Faction:[/b] No faction, he aspires to be a part of Taxis. --- Exp: A. Kisheto is a nomad. Ever since he was 18 years old, he has been traveling around Vrondi's beautiful forests. His adoptive mother was reluctant on letting him go, since he had only just completed his primary studies in Sunfire's Academy, but he insisted on it, saying it was more or less his destiny. He had only heard stories of Great Sol Sages who could wield great powers and channel natural energy to perform amazing tasks. These Sages were said to be isolated nomads who would travel Vrondi, helping anyone who they deemed pure of heart. They were widely loved by Taxis and some say they were even a part of the faction. These Sages were intellects - their wisdom and intelligence far surpassed that of the Vrondi forest peoples. They understood the universe and were one with the "Flow", or the natural balance of all existence. Kisheto aspired to one day become a Sage, just like the many legendary ones who already existed. Upon graduating he set out on his own with basic survival gear, but it wasn't long before he was nearly eaten by a swarm of small, carnivorous dragons, rarely seen in Vrondi territory. Lucky for him, he was saved by Eros, a Sage himself. Kyrin, having started to believe he was the luckiest boy in the world, asked Eros to teach him his ways and show him what it was like to be a Sage. Eros agreed - he was a hybrid like Kisheto anyway. Having been born of half Sol and half Dragon decent, he felt a certain bond to Kisheto, who he already deemed to be pure of heart. For ten years, Kisheto traveled the lands with Eros, learning much more than he could have hoped for. He became an expert at living off the land, and Eros even called him a Sage In Training. However, one day, Eros disappeared and Kisheto was left alone. He searched for Eros but could not find him anywhere and truly felt abandoned - he was beginning to see a father figure in the old man. From that point until now, Kisheto has roamed and studied as much of Vrondi as he could, and he continues to do so. B. In Sol's academy, Kisheto was often picked on for being Seraphim; some even feared him. They could tell because of the two scars on his back, which proved that he was just a "wingless seraphim". However, one day, while Kisheto was out among the schoolyards, he awakened a unique side of him which no one expected. While exploring the wilderness, an orange aura began to emit from his body, which caught the attention of a few nearby students. At first they were afraid, but realizing that his glowing figure was harmless, they began teasing him. In a fit of anger, Kisheto lashed out and caused a plethora of vines to shoot forth and strike the group of bullies. It was here that Kisheto exposed himself to be part Sol (something he did not know himself). He confronted his adoptive mother, and she explained that he was part Sol, though spiritually, he was Kisheto and Kisheto only. Upon finding this out, Kisheo became fascinated with the idea of being able to become one with nature, so he researched Sol spell practices and began training the art of "Nature Fixation", in which he connected his mind and body with the energies of plant life around him. C. Kisheto's blade is a hand-me-down from his deceased father. Upon leaving him at Ria's doorstep, Kisheto's father also left his sword as a token of his legacy. D. No faction E. Kisheto was naturally gifted with his ability to control spiritual energies. He was basically born with his "Spirit Aura" spell, which was more of a passive perk to his existence. His high spirit energies traced from his Seraphim blood cause his soul to easily emerge from his body, even accidentally, like the time his soul began "leaking" during his exploration in the school yards. However, after the "vine" incident mentioned above (at around age 8), Kisheto began experimenting. He would sit in trees deep in the forest and meditate, letting his soul slip out of his body and linger in the air around him. It was usually a golden orange color, though he did not understand if this had any significance. A few years after the vine incident (age 13), Kisheto grasped the concept of controlling this Soul leakage. At first, his soul slipped out of his body to cloak his entire figure, like an Aura (hence the name). But upon further practice, he learned that he could cause the Spirit to emerge from any location on his body, and at any density he willed. Furthermore, his soul could take on various properties that were willed into existence by his conscience. For example, he could emit a bar of his soul out of his palm and make it completely solid and dense, though it would feel weightless to him. This bar could collide with other objects, meaning it took physical form. Or he could even go a step further and make the spirit intangible as it passed through a wall and tangible on the other side. He could cloak his fist with his soul to cause his punches to deal much more damage, or he could create a rope with his soul to use as a grappling hook - the ideas were endless. As for his Lightfield spell, his travels with Eros, a Sage of nature, led him to believe he could somehow manipulate his spirit energies to enhance his Sol blood limits. He was only 20%, but he managed to further his grasp on Sol abilities through dedication and intense training. Eventually, he found that he could take the light energy from plants around him and create a simply force field ((OOC: Using my nomad starter soul gem for this)). His first successful cast was during a study in a forest in southern Vrondi. A tribe of cannibals attacked him, and as he faced an oncoming spear, he simply threw up his hands and focused his spiritual energies. His hypothesis was right - his spirit could augment the "Sol" within him; the foliage and vines around him curved towards him as a tiny particles of light rushed towards his palm, where a force field blocked the spear completely. Now, he continues to train both his spiritual manipulation and his augmented sol abilities in hopes that he could become a much more powerful Sage like Eros. --- [b]Spells:[/b] •Spirit Aura: Kisheto can cause his own soul to exit the confines of his spiritual body and enter the physical realm. It appears as a golden orange aura that can be manipulated into various shaped and densities at will. He most often uses it to shoot small bursts of his soul or empower his physical attacks, though it not only drains his energy, but life force as well. •Lightfield: Kisheto can quickly create a sudden force field using light energy from the chloroplasts of nearby plant life. •Blink: Kisheto has yet to master true portal jumping. As of right now, he is only able to quickly flash to medium range location in the "blink" of an eye. In a burst if golden light, he simply reappears at a nearby location. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] •Soul Detection (Seraphim): Kisheto has a good sense of soul detection, as he can feel the presence of nearby entities and even tell the type of spirit they have. •Experienced Hunter, Experienced survivalist: he's learned to live off the land. [b]Hindrances:[/b] •He is scared of fire. He has severe pyrophobia, and it causes him to experience traumatic flashes/combat paralysis. •He does not bode well against machinery, gunfire, and the likes. He cannot wield a gun for shit, and when fighting against a gun man, his best hope is to throw up light fields and escape. Unknown Weaknesses: •Any strikes to his spine will render him nearly useless. The passing of his soul from his spiritual confines into the physical realm causes his brain to go haywire in sending signals to keep the body from seizing to death. During this time, striking his spine will disrupt the brain's chaotic balancing act and severely cripple him temporarily. •He is easily distracted and zones out, but he can never tell that he does no matter how many times people tell him that he needs to learn to focus. •He is too naive and kindhearted. --- Weapons: [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/050/9/7/fire_sword__unnamed__by_guiltyremnant-d4q8qh0.jpg]His father's sword[/url] [b]Potions:[/b] Basic Pain Relief Potion [b]History:[/b] Kisheto is not sure of how he got where he is. He remembers few details of his father, and none of his mother. His father was extremely wise and powerful - this he knew. However, his father was also a seraphim, and was constantly being hunted by stalkers, who even attempted to steal Kisheto to bait him out. At age 4, Kisheto was sent to Ria, who was his father's best friend from an early age. Ria told Kisheto that his father was a great man who married a wonderful Sol woman, but society could not accept him as a seraphim. Ria had no idea what became of Kisheto's mother, but she knows that Kisheto's father had abandoned him in hopes that Kisheto could lead a better life in the hands of the loving people of Sunfire. [/hider]