[center]69 Can you spot the broken rule? [/center] [hider=Big-ass pic][img]http://media3.onsugar.com/files/2012/04/15/2/192/1922398/0f0a03589a88b749_142629220_10.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Jack Morgan Age: 29 Height: 6’2” Weight: 160 Equipment: Carpenter’s hammer Pocket wire saw Several spools of fine wire Poncho Binoculars Climbing claws 4 1-quart canteens A collection of household chemicals, properly treated fertilizers, etc. Weapons: .44 magnum revolver .44 magnum lever-action carbine .22 ruger pistol with extra clips 60 .44 magnum bullets 400 .22 bullets Approximately 6 knives, some worn openly, others concealed Previous Occupation: Assistant manager for a self-storage lot and private chemistry tutor. Before that, combat engineer in the United States Army. Appearance: Jack doesn’t trust other people not to mess with his stuff, so he keeps his rucksack close by at all times. He wears his .44 in a drop down holster, right next to his hammer. His .22 is on his other hip, worn in a crossdraw holster. He dresses in boots, cargo pants, and an assortment of scruffy shirts, and usually wears a hat and sunglasses, even on cloudy days, since his eyes are very photosensitive. The last two fingers of his left hand are missing, and his hands have burn scars from when a small mix of HME detonated while he was working with it. Bio: Jack is the sort to play fast and loose with commonly accepted standards of moral conduct. An extremely aggressive man, he likes to pick fights when he’s bored. Because of this, he’s never stayed with one group for very long. Sooner or later he moves on, by his choice or by theirs. He was in handcuffs when the outbreak occurred, conferring with his lawyer about his statutory rape accusations. They fortified in the courthouse along with some more survivors and tried to hold out, but food was scarce. He didn’t help much either by banging first his lawyer, and then an Israeli girl who was there to take care of a speeding ticket. He claimed he was merely “showing this sniper a REAL long rifle”, but the damage was done and the group fell apart due to internal bickering. He sneaked away that night. Ever since, he’s been roaming, falling in with one group or another. His attitude of “Eat, drink, dance, and fuck like rabbits for tomorrow we may die” doesn’t sit well with most. He fell in with his current group when he met a scavenging expedition in the local town, and was able to impress them with his knowledge of improvised explosives. The reason he’s sticking with them on the way to Canada? “Dude, isn’t the legal age up there like fourteen or something? Maybe Canucks are less uptight and judgmental than some of you people. Also, Canadian beer.”