Iano left his quarters while stretching his lithe form, stifling a yawn as leather clad feet brought him down the halls. He was in a somewhat docile mood to be sure, the last night having temporarily quelled the mans endless thirst for excitement. He was fairly sure he had to eat and drink however, because he felt like a starved wolf at the moment. With that in mind, he steered his steps towards the mess hall. He took time to stop and talk to some people on the way, never one to really hurry anywhere. He was a friendly sport, the kind who got along with most. Some thought light of him, mainly becouse he never seemed to dwell to long on anything. He decided to take a stroll trough the couryard were many recruits were allready practicing. Among the many basic training hopefulls, he saw a familiar face. Thomas von Lerz was one of Ianos sword instructors, a tall, gangly looking man. A Human from the legato empire, and the best duelist Iano had ever met. Ianos first fight with a silverleaf had been against Thomas, and Iano had gotten severly beaten. Several times. For a week. Iano was not a sore loser by any means but he was also persistent and lived for the rush. Of course, his swordsmanship was crude in comparison to the way Thomas wielded his flamberge, so many times Iano find himself eating a mouthful of dirt due to a simple miss step. Iano of course, still strives towards beating the man. But for now he was cordial. ”Instructor Lerz” He bowed, a gesture he rarely indulge in. The man scoffed at the gesture. ”No need to bow, doesn't suit you. You heading for the Mess Hall?” He inquired, the man looked more haggard and worn out then usual. He jabbed two fingers painfully hard in Iano shoulder. ”Things have started to moving again. Brigands. Would not surpised if they wanted to send some new bloods like yourself to deal with it.” Thomas then went on his not so merry way. With no more delays, Iano arrived to the where the smell of food were leading him. He quickly spotted Lin and waved at her. The hall was filled with men and women from all over, talking, complaining, eating and arguing. In short, Iano was the most home in here. He wasted no time, soon face to face with her, almost challenging her to fight by the way he carried himself. Two wild souls who were always on the edge. ”Hello Linweî” He spoke, his voice at once soft and yet terribly violent with emotion. Tavern There sat a man in the Tavern that rarely were seen inside the city walls. Grashnak, one of the few Uruki, that is to say Orchs, who made into the silverleaves. He was a shrewd, hostile presence. Feared by every man who ever been dumb enough to spar him one on one. He was currently drinking and the half a turkey not yet eaten was disappearing at astonishing rate. As he saw a fellow Silver leaf like Joshua enter he bellowed out, ”YOU. COME HERE:”