Kaden found himself in a relatively familiar position, checking over his shoulder crouched down in front of a door, lock picking kit open on one knee, with an anchor in his left hand and the delicate pick in his right, however now it was no longer police or homeowners he was looking over his shoulder for, it was now the gimps, bandits, and with a grim chuckle he mentally added that you had to check for 'police' in several places where some psychopaths had decided to put on police uniforms and hunted both gimps and people alike, bolstered by their own sense of false superiority. He shook himself and, after reassuring his paranoid mind that no gimps or human adversaries were approaching, he returned his attention to the lock. He felt the last tumbler click and with a smooth, practiced motion turned both hands to unlock the door. Sure it might have been easier for him to simply break open the door with his crowbar, however the risk to that was making lots of noise and not having the ability to lock the door behind him. Kaden slowly opened the door, tucking away his lock picking kit in one of his coats multitude of pockets and sliding the crowbar from out if his belt. At this point caution was key, gimps were only truly a threat if they got you pinned tight without room to navigate, or if they came at you in such numbers that there was no room. So in theory so long as Kaden was vigilant and didn't let himself get trapped, he should be fine. As the door swung open he could hear the ragged, soft moan and his nose picked up the decrepit smell that alerted him to the fact that there was at least one gimp. He entered, moving the crowbar in front of him, holding the straight end in a kendo grip, the curved tip facing out, his feet spread slightly, forming a decent stance. As the first gimp came around the corner Kaden raised his weapon and in a swift movement eliminated the opponent. He removed the crowbar with a smooth movement, and kicked the gimp back out of the way. More moans. That meant at least one more gimp. He advanced carefully stepping over the first ones recently decimated skull. As he walked around the corner of the small entry way he entered a shared kitchenette and living room area, a small box TV opposite a sofa and a counter creating a semi separated space. Behind the counter stood what used to be a woman by the look of it, wearing the remnants of a nice skirt, blouse, and blazer, the woman had probably been getting ready to head to work, the first one, maybe a boyfriend? Husband? Kaden shrugged off the thought, and with a smooth motion, brought the curved end of the crowbar into the gimps skull. Kaden moved both corpses out of the apartment and down the hallway, towards the opposite end from the stairs, no reason to put them in his direct way from the exit. He checked that the apartment had a fire escape, there was one right outside the window as he was only on the second story. He quickly pulled the ladder up, no reason to give easy access to the room he was in either. After ascertaining a relative level of security, he moved the bed from the single bedroom and heaved it against the door, making sure no one would have easy access, he then rifled quickly through the cupboards, avoiding opening the fridge and freezer combo, since he could already pick up the slightest sent of decay, no use making the apartment reek of decayed produce for nothing. He scored two cans of peaches and a tin of instant coffee from the cupboard, all in all a decent grab. He chuckled to himself, this town might be called Slidell, and the world may have gone to hell, but here he was, doing the same breaking and entering as he had back home in New York, albeit with some... minor, adjustments.