Seán's father opened the door, he was already dressed in his mining gear. "Seán, son, its time for school." His father shook his shoulder lightly and Seán shifted before shooting up. "Another bad dream?" Seán stared at his father for a moment before answering. "No father, just a few thoughts." Seán's father left the room as he stood up and got out of his bed. He showered quickly due to the water they were running out of and he threw on simple clothes, as usual. Seán didn't have breakfast for the past few mornings, this morning would be no different. "Remember son, if anyone picks on you try and ignore them. Its not your fault we aren't a rich family." Seán nodded, "Yes sir, of course." Seán opened the door to walk out and held it for his father. Before they walked opposite ways his father stared at him for a moment. "Try not to get suspended in the weeks to come. You have three weeks to graduation." Seán nodded and hugged his father before walking towards the school. It would be a lonely walk, just like any other day. He had a tendency to not have friends due to the chances of him becoming a low class person. Or even a metalheart. He just planned to do what he always did in school, pay no mind to anyone, focus on the school work, and most importantly, try not to get on any one of the teachers nerves. He walked silently towards the school that he would no longer be a part of in three weeks.