On the way to the airport, Henry decided that he needed to be careful once he got inside, after all he had packed enough pills to open up a pharmacy. They were all placed in bottles that once contained various PTSD medications though, so he wasn’t too concerned about them. However, he was definitely worried about the LSD shoved down his pants. In order to avoid getting caught it would be necessary to have his wits about himself, and as a result Henry opted to only take two tabs of acid while on the plane. After arriving at the airport and surveying the scene, everything seemed to be going okay until he realized he was going to have to wait on line to check his luggage. This ate up a great deal of the precious time Henry had allotted himself to get through security before the acid began to kick in. By the time he had finished it was already to late… As Dr. Halibern approached the first checkpoint he put on a pair of stylish sunglasses to hide his widening pupils. As he stood there, he watched the woman checking IDs direct person after person straight on to the security belts right up until the man in family in front of him. The Hispanic couple rolling their baby in its stroller were suddenly stopped and asked to submit to “Additional Screening” a phrase which immediately put Henry on edge. “Please head this way, sir.” The lady in charge directed, after the Doctor had given over his ticket and ID. “Oh. Uh, no… Uh, please.” He stammered out in a panick, “There’s nothing in my butt! Uh, the pills are prescription. I’m a veteran, I, uh…” Henry continued what he expected to be digging his own grave. “No, no, please calm down, sir. Your ticket qualifies you for the ‘Expedited Screening’ process. You won’t be required to remove your shoes or belt or anything.” The woman replied, handing Henry back his both his passport and ticket. “Oh, uh, thanks. I’m, uh… Have a nice day?” Henry stuttered back confusedly. “You too, sir.” The lady smiled, but all Henry could hear were the sounds of gunfire and explosions going off as he stumbled forward and through security. All around him lights were flashing and weird sensations started coming over him, tingling in his arms and aching in his legs. How he, a crazy man on drugs, managed to get sent through security without a hitch while carrying illegal drugs was beyond comprehension. Especially considering whatever procedures that normal, everyday American family was forced to go through just for the color of their skin. Continuing to freak out, despite being safely inside the terminal, Henry franticly searched for a bathroom, where he proceeded to pop a few Xanax without even counting how many he took. Knowing this was a mistake Henry did it anyways; at least his nerves would be like steel for a while, he eventually justified. The downside of this of course was the rapidly evolving confusion and general impairment which followed his exodus from the restroom facilities. What was he doing here? The Doctor wondered, concentrating the entirely of his profoundly inhibited brain power on this very question. Nothing but the number ‘23’ seemed to break through, and yet somehow after what may have seemed an eternity, Henry appeared in front of his destination, Gate 23. Suddenly, a voice called out, as if an angel had reached out from heaven to guide him, “Dr. Halibern?” It asked, “The other passengers have already boarded, please come this way.” “Yes, that’s me! Thank you so much…” Henry responded, a relieved smile creeping across his face as he registered the shape from which that beautiful voice had originated. “You really are an angel…” He said, as a soft, warm light spread over her. Taking her arm, he allowed himself to be lead to his seat in first class. “Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing…” The stewardess replied, mistaking Henry’s hallucinations for flirtation. “You just let me know if there’s anything you need after take off now, honey.” ---- For the next few hours, Dr. Halibern phased out and attempted to decipher the strange texts floating through his mind in a completely foreign alphabet which he had become convinced were really messages from God. They were impossible to read, but somehow he could feel them conveying their truth, offering him a glimpse into the hidden secrets of the universe. Whenever the stewardess returned Henry would just ramble off about her divine presence until she left to deal with the other passengers. After a while though, the effects of the drugs were beginning to dip down however, so of course, having nothing better to do, Henry proceeded to discretely drop a bunch of tabs under his tongue, dissolving the tasteless psychedelic in his mouth, the truest sign of pure LSD. In time the stewardess (to whom the Doctor had simply decided to refer to as Angel in the place of whatever given name she may have had) returned again. “Dearest Angel? Could I please get a double shot of rum with ginger ale?” He asked, as some part of his brain finally recognized that in addition to his delusions, this woman was also stewardess (probably in her mid 50’s if he were to guess). “Of course, love.” Angel answered, playfully leaning over and putting a hand on his chest before walking up to the front of the cabin. She quickly returned with the drink and continued flirting with him for a few moments before Henry excused himself to the bathroom. Not that he had to use the toilet of course, but rather he intended to snort a line of Xanax and break an Oxycodone into his drink. That would probably tide him over until they landed. When he returned, the stewardess was standing by his seat again, “There was a problem charging your drink to your ticket account, would you please come to the front of the cabin for a moment.” She explained. The drugs were really starting to take hold of Henry’s mind at this point, but he followed her anyways, still unsure of how he was going to deal with this. Hopefully he could just give her another card or something, he really didn’t care if Woll Manor skipped out on paying for one drink… But as they reached the front of the cabin Henry found himself suddenly pushed up against a wall in a side room, “I just caught my husband having an affair, and you’re going to help me settle the score…” The stewardess explained “Umm… This is uhh…” Henry had no idea what to do, essentially in his mind a divine presence was commanding him to sleep with it. She kept speaking but Henry couldn’t hear her anymore, yet he felt like he could understand what she was saying somehow. “My husband is a fallen angel who has succumbed to an evil demon temptress, a disgrace in the light of God. You must cleanse my spirit with your pure, enlightened soul. Do this for me and I will show you the truth of the cosmos, of heaven and earth and all realms in between.” The angel spoke, communicating not by words, but with her spirit. “Alright, dear angel, I will do as you command…” Henry answered. Then, as if blessed by the grace of God himself, the angel drew close, and as soon as the words had left his mouth, her lips came to meet his own. Light and purity surrounded them, filling up the room with its divine radiance and transporting Henry away from his body and into a deep, spiritual realm. Inside, Henry experienced a profound connectivity to the cosmic whole, feeling his own energy resonate within the flow of the universe. It was peace, and it was clarity on a level that few people would ever find… ---- The next thing he knew, Henry woke up in his seat. Now mostly off the drugs and looking back at what had happened, Dr. Halibern suddenly realized what had really been going on. Had he just been used for revenge by a 57 year old stewardess? Maybe so, but he liked to believe that in some weird way she really was an angel… Either way, having slept very well during the remaining portion of the flight, Henry had almost fully shaken off the insanity that had just ensued. A normal person would still be reeling after a day as crazy as his, but not the good Dr. Halibern. Despite everything that had happened, he was already mentally preparing himself for his next dive into that warm, deep pool known as cognitive impairment. The only question to be answered was what lovely chemical cocktail he’d be riding today. After giving a friendly goodbye and a knowing wink to the stewardess, Henry finally de-boarded the plane after the nearly 14-hour journey and took his first steps on Swedish soil. Making his way to the baggage claim he took in what was to him, the all too familiar sight of unfamiliar sights. Upon reaching his destination, Henry scanned the belt for his bags a while until one of the other passengers from his flight happened to make his way over. "Always hated this part. Such a hassle," He grunted, speaking English with a distinctly Swedish accent. "Just want to finally go home to the wife and kids, you know?" He chuckled, shaking his head, before scratching an itch at the back of his neck and squinting at the belt himself. After another moment he turned and extended his hand, "Felix Bertel. I think you sat three rows behind me," he says with a friendly grin. "What brings you to our wonderful country?" “Oh, um… Henry Halibern. Dr. Henry Halibern. I’m here for the big annual vacation giveaway, I guess. Woll Manor.” Felix's eyebrows raised a couple of inches on his forehead, tilting his head slightly, as if in thought. "Woll Manor? Hm… I've never heard of it," He replied, thoughtfully touching his fingers to his chin. Thinking himself rude, he quickly waved a hand dismissively and chuckled again. "Probably just my own ignorance. Apologies… Aha! Spotted it," Felix continued, then triumphantly pointing to what was a black bag on the wheel. "It was nice chatting with you. I hope you enjoy your stay with us!" “Huh, well that was weird.” Henry said aloud to himself. A mysterious invitation to an obscure manor was just the kind of experience he needed to make himself feel alive. Hopefully things would only get more entertaining from here he thought. More entertaining than standing around looking for his luggage, at least… Taking a look around the airport, Henry finally found the man holding up the sign with his name on it. Maybe they already had his luggage… What if they were searching it, he panicked as he urgently made his way over to the man. “I’m Dr. Halibern, thank you.” He said, “Can I assume you’ve already taken my luggage?” “Yes sir, your things are waiting for you in the limousine. If you’ll follow me, please.” The driver responded in what seemed to be an almost mechanical fashion. Figuring he’d only be calling more attention to himself if he brought up the bag searching thing, Henry simply followed the man to the car. Most of what he didn’t want discovered had been carried on the plane anyways so it wasn’t a big deal, he reassured himself. “Please, help yourself to anything you’d like, sir.” The driver said, bowing Henry inside the vehicle. His eyes immediately glazed over the other passengers and straight to the minibar. “Wonderful to meet you all, Dr. Henry Halibern at your service.” He smiled, grabbing a glass and one of those mini bottles of brandy. “Sorry if I’m late, I’ve just had one hell of a trip.”