"Well it was nice to meet you as well" Elendra said and the other waved her bye as William made his way out of the kitchen and into the living room expecting Raphael to follow. His eyes moved from left to the right before he made his way down some stairs where Raphael would see a large steel door. Taking a key that was hung around his neck he unlocked the door and stared at it for a moment. "Don't be intimidated," with a single push William forced the door open despite its immense weight, it was clearly something only a vampire could open by them self. Raphael would be greeted with a breeze of hot air as they entered what appeared to be a rather large dungeon. It was much bigger than what she would have imagined and even the floor and walls were painted white which made it seem much brighter in here than it actually was. "You can cut the AC's back on," William said seemingly to himself before a voice to their left answered "Yes". To their left side just two feet away from the entrance was a young man who seemed to be sweating profusely due to the heat. It was incredibly warm in here which made it a little bit difficult to breathe but William seemed unphased as he made his way about. The young male forced a smile on his face as William made his way about "It is a bit rude to not introduce yourself" William stated and the young man raised an eyebrow. He wore khaki pants without a shirt as his body glistened with sweat "Erm...I'm Bruce." he muttered as he seemed more concerned with the temperature rather than greeting another slave.