Jester was not fazed in the slightest at Evie's girlish gushing, only standing in patience for her first move. Seeing the knives form a cross-like pattern, he launched forward and dodged the hurtled weapons with accurate speed and precise grace. The way he moved was too fluid...almost unnatural to an external observer. In the heat of battle though, Evie would have only noticed such a thing if she was absolutely focused on this dual. Seeing his new student lunge in for a strike to his chest, the masked man effortlessly caught her hand in his grip before the knife making contact. "Tell me Evie, how goes your studies?" He asked the question randomly. "What do they teach you about the origins of my precious Ultimatum?" His Ultimatum? "One more thing....what do the children think of me?" As he asked away, his free hand began to crackle with power as a large surge of energy spilled from his palm.