Ariel only shook her head as she heard Amy's words. She just didn't get it, did she? Still, Ariel said nothing when Amy finally left the kitchen. Did the other maid think she was always happy? That her smile was always one of genuine kindness? Of course not. Ariel faced more scars in her past then she'd like to count...she'd rather keep it quiet. Frowning, she stared at the food Amy prepared for her in the refrigerator. "Whatcha doing?" Ariel almost jumped as the cheery voice filled the kitchen, a stark contrast to her earlier sullen feelings. Phillip was awake and about, grinning as usual. "Ah Master! Oh...nothing. Just thinking, that's all." Phillip shrugged. "Well thanks for the breakfast," he said, eyeing the food both maids had prepared for him. "Hey, can you thank Amy for me too? I don't want her to feel like she's a burden to me." Ariel blushed as she placed a hand on his cheek. "Master Phillip is so kind towards others...very well then. Of that's what you wish." Bowing, she left to go and find the other girl. "Um, ok then?" Trying to hide his own embarrassment, Phillip's hand lingered on his cheek. Having not been in he servant's quarters, Ariel finally tracked down Amy outside, who in turn was inspecting the damage from the prior night. Well, at least both of them were dedicated to their work. "Miss Jones, the Master would like to thank you for the meal...what is that?" Ariel titlted her head to try and why a better look. There was something...a white cloth perhaps trailing down the very end of one of Amy's arms. Not enough to be seen fully, but still noticeable to Ariel's trained eyes.