This was a horrible idea and Noelle knew it. She and her group still went off to take some Thalmor Robes, though they only managed to get one. It was good enough since she didn't plan on using it; Malakaus's idea was about as sound as trying to suffocate a dragon with your body. With any luck, the orc won't be so impatient will just sit at the bottom of the docks waiting for her signal. If he wasn't, hopefully he gets himself killed or arrested so she won't have to deal with him anymore. All she wanted form Malakaus was what he knew, and now that she had it, he was no more use to her. "Let's go find Sharee." Using her Clairvoyance spell Noelle managed to track Sharee down to a tavern. No surprise that she'd be in there, but when noelle peeked inside she saw that Sharee, along with Kayal, was talking to two other khajits. Noelle wasn't sure if she should interrupt the conversation or wait for Sharee. She told her crew to just mingle in the tavern since she needed to talk to the captain. Once they were near by but also out of the way, Noelle decided to go talk to Sharee. The captain just stood up as though she was about to leave when Noelle walked up to her. "Captain, I found out the location of the ship we're looking for. One of them anyways."