Aright, that’s my character. I decided to include a goal for her, although I’m not sure if that money amount I set was reasonable enough. I just sort of picked a number and went with it. I someone thinks that’s too much or too little, I’d be fine with changing it. [hider=Vera Taylor] [b]Name:[/b]Vera Taylor [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Vera stands at a height of 5'8". She has a reasonably thin figure, albeit it being soft and slightly doughy due to lack of exercise over the years. She’ll tell you that she weighs 130 pounds, although if she were honest with herself it’d be more like 135. Vera’s skin is a fine pale shade only dirtied by the freckles that cover her body. Her hair is much like these tan marks in that they’re both a dark brown. These locks are thick and cascade down to Vera’s lower back, fashioned in a straight manner. Her bangs cover the large eyebrows that sit on her face, and end right before reaching eyes of cyan, although they aren’t very noticeable considering the black rimmed spectacles she wears. Below that is a rounded nose, and below that still is a set of peach colored lips. [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] Vera doesn’t wear armor of any kind, which is normal if you take in account her lifestyle and profession. She instead wears the simple garb of a commoner. Never following fashion, Vera sticks to what she finds suitable, and not what’s “in” at the moment. A normal day’s attire would usually be woven cloth shirts and simple, comfortable trousers. If it was a cold day, then Vera would take a wool shawl. She prefers darker colors, specifically purples and black. But what Vera adores more than anything is accessories. It’s not uncommon to see her with multiple belts around her waist, whether they are used to hold up her trousers or slanted to add a bit of flare to the outfit. She’s also quite fond of jewelry. [b]Weapons:[/b] Vera wields a Kusarigama, or “Chain-Sickle”, which basically consists of a metal chain with a small sickle on one end and an iron weight on the other. Attacking with the weapon usually entails swinging the weighted chain in a large circle over one's head, and then whipping it forward to entangle an opponent's spear, sword, or other weapon, or immobilizing their arms or legs. This allows Vera to easily rush forward and strike with the sickle. She likes to keep this weapon wrapped around her waist as if it were a belt itself. Unfortunately Vera has no other fighting abilities, and even then she’s not a master with her weapon of choice. [b]Skills:[/b] Alchemy (Expert) – With a wide array of books at hand, Vera has been able to study up on various subjects, such as cooking and alchemy. Medical Knowledge (Major) – There are quite a few medical manuals scattered around the library. With this information, Vera’s learned about anatomy, different illnesses, and medical techniques. Not wanting to waist this coveted information; the girl’s taken to volunteering at the local clinic on the weekends. Projectiles (Major) – With her Kusarigama in hand, Vera is able to swing the chained weight with accuracy. Axe (Major) – On the other end of that, Vera can swing the Kusarigama’s sickle well, and with the added knowledge of anatomy, she knows where to strike if a vital hit were needed. Block (Minor) – Vera is fine at blocking. She mostly just puts her arms up and hopes for the best. Athletics (Minor) – Vera has the running ability of an average person. Acrobatics (Minor) – Vera rarely climbs, jumps, and any other activities required of a nimble individual. [b]Inventory:[/b] Vera doesn’t carry around much, but what she does is kept in a purse-like bag. -Wallet -A small set of medical equipment -A packed lunch [b]Backstory:[/b] Vera Taylor was raised in a fairly basic home with a normal middle-class lifestyle. Her parents, who both worked as chefs at a local restaurant in clock town, did a fine job in bringing up her as well as a younger sister. Vera was a kindhearted child, all she wanted was to be kind and do the right thing. She never got into trouble, but this was seen as the girl simply being a goody two-shoes in the eyes of her peers. Oftentimes some of them would pick on Vera, leading her to be more reserved in the future. As the girl grew older, her desire to please faded. Sure, Vera was a nice person, but it’s not like she’d risk herself if there wasn’t something to gain. The truth of the world had fallen upon her ears, and it told her that not everyone was a good person. Vera became wary of the people around her. She was really just in it for herself as she hadn’t yet found a place to fit in or people to call friends. Vera became very independent, spending her early teen years on a soul search. She spent her days in every part of Clock Town, in the good, and the bad. She felt the harsh stares of the rich as she walked through Dawn Heights, and scuttled nervously from corner to corner when walking through Dusk Row. These travels were kept secret from her parents; they were sure to have a fit if they knew that their child was wandering the streets during her free time. This searching went on until Vera was around 15 years old. One day she decided to venture into Clock Town’s library. The quiet environment was pleasant to the girl, and so she began to spend time there every day, all while reading the fine assortment of books it held. She would come to learn many a subject, picking up alchemy and cooking tips, to anatomy. Vera eventually got a job at the library, all she had to do was put the returned books back in their place, and sweep every once in a while. She would later take her medical skills learned in the library and work at a clinic on the weekends. Recently, people haven’t been visiting the library as often as they used too, and proper funding hasn’t been given by the town, in favor of being spent on matters more pressing. At the moment the library is being threatened with downsizing, which would mean that many books would have to be given away and would no longer be in public use. The town needs 5,000 rupees to keep the library maintained, and Vera’s willing to do almost anything to raise that money in order to keep a place she calls home alive. [b]Wallet:[/b] 100 rupees, all in yellow. [/hider]