Some people are weird. Some people don't fit into crowds. If you're here right now, you're probably some people. Find the big-top. We can talk then. Oh and word for the wise, If you see men who are way to tall and way to pale. Run. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have found yourself in dark tent of some variety. Many sound scan be heard outside, bustling of people, a dark wind rolling, the laughter of what sounds like an evil clown. You may have never heard an evil clown laugh until then, but you sure as hell think that is a f*cking clown. A note, which read above, is the only thing you have to give you any direction. After finding it and whatever was in your pockets the last time you remember not being here on the night stand next to your cot, you find yourself sitting (or standing, whichever) alone in the dark purple shelter. It's obvious people are outside, but you can never be sure of if they are friendly, or if they are sane. That being said, you have to go out there. Who knows what will happen if you stay here? Your journey has begun. Find the bit-top. You can talk then. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright. So now for hat sounds less like an opening IC post and more like an OOC post. "Let the games begin" Is to be a roleplay about your characters being warped to an odd tent. You have been given the stuff that was on you, but that is it. You have been tasked with finding the "big-top" so that you can get some sense of what the hell is going on. This is to be a slightly dark RP. Exploring what is flawed in your character, and what those flaws mean for them when they are tossed into dangerous and scary situations. --- The world: Alright. While I would love to keep you completely in the dark about what lies outside of your tent, that wouldn't really leave much for you to do when you oh I don't know, actually try to start writing. What you see when you leave your small abode, is a dark purple sky, with misty clouds of greenish white. The ground will have tufts of grass here and there, but not much will actually be completely covered. Tents and stalls are set about, as if a carnival was being held, and pale people dressed in black all seem to be bustling about. Most are relatively normal looking (despite all being goth apparently) but some will stand out even more so. A man with extra long legs and arms, a woman covered in stitches, a clown (that laughing mother f-) with razor teeth, or a small man dragging a black bear with a chain. Some people don't seem so correct. You are stuck in some dark world. The confide (large brimstone walls rise around in a circle) area is a show. Rides and games set about so densely it almost seems to make some sort of community. Odd non carnival based shops like clothes (one kInd of outfit for each gender!) and restaurants (wouldn't recommend it....) are dotted here and there. This twisted show is its own self sustaining city, and for some reason, you are visiting it. --- Dangers. They exist here. Creatures, which seem to be masses of black goo and shock white opera masks. Seem to crawl about here and there, visitors are the only ones that seem to see them. The tall men. The ones who are pure white with black pits for eyes, likely the ones mentioned in the notes. They seem to strut about slowly, as if they were some sort of authority. Visitors don't seem to sit well with them. If they see you, they will chase you. If they catch you, they will... Well, it won't be pretty... The odd ones. The "entertainers" and "show people" who seem to stick out more than the mindless show-goers. Some are a little...volatile. Beings that should likely be avoided. The clown is hungry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS: Name: Age: Gender: Inventory: (What was in your pockets?) Powers: (Yup. Might not have expected that. These will remain dormant and, unknown to our characters, until a specific time I unlock them.) Weapons: (Unless you had a pocket knife with you, these are also found later) Height/ wight: (Good for reference) Strengths: (Physical or personality) Weaknesses/flaws: (Same as above. These area definite must) Other: THE CS IS HERE BECAUSE IT ALSO HOLDS IMPORTANT RP INFO. DO NOT APPLY IN THIS THREAD.