[quote=Minarawr] As Mina passed a rocky area on her winged beast, she picked up on a faint energy nearby. She stopped her creature in mid-air and looked around, trying to pick up on the energy's precise location, but the area was too full of different energy patterns for her to get a precise lock. With an annoyed growl she lowered her beast to the ground and ordered it to stay in it's spot before she walked towards the rocky area she passed over. First thing she noticed as she moved closer to the area was a dead demon, a Ghoul-type to be precise. They were vile creatures, tricksters with no mind. They remembered certain parts of human life and used it to get close to souls stupid enough to listen. Most were repulsive enough to keep souls at a distance, but some were dumb enough to get closer. It seemed the soul that did this was smart enough not to fall for this disgusting creature, a good sign.She spotted a trail of blood and footprints leading towards the rocks and walked towards it. If the soul was hit by the ghoul's attack it wouldn't be very happy. It's wound would fester and rot until he died or was cured, a painful death to say the least.She approached the rocks and spotted a cave the soul had most likely hidden in, walking up to it casually. [/quote] Mason held his shoulder, it was flaming hot or some reason now, likely it was infected, that wasn't good, especially here. "Come on, I have to have something.." He said to himself quietly, scanning his pockets for any spare chemlights. Once finding one he snapped it, the stick's artificial bio luminescence lit up the cave easily. He had only a few feet of sight but he could see better regardless, he stopped when he heard something enter the cave, likely another hell-spawn ready to try killing him. Shining his light, he saw a feminine figure, he wasn't sure what to think of this, he smirked a little, clutching his shoulder. The stinging pain shot through him, residing mostly in the points the creature contacted, he couldn't show he was hurt, refusing to hint it as he faced the silhouetted female. "Let me guess, you need assistance as well?" He asked, his expression suggested he'd be less than willing to help but that was farther from the truth. He watched and waited for a movement or response from the apparent female.