Sharee leaned up against the wall of one of the nearby warehouses and crossed her arms in silence, thinking about all the options on the table. Nothing sounded easy, but then again, she didn't expect it to be. "What it sounds like to me is that we have choices, multiple paths to take.The ship you describe sounds tough, a hard target that has probably been doing this for a while. Now, if that is true, then there are also some other things I can reasonably assume about them. Skooma smuggling is a lucrative business, and experienced smugglers know how to maximize their profits. You might think that selling in Elsweyr would be the most profitable venture, but that isn't actually the case. You see, while demand is higher in Elsweyr, so is supply. Even if it is illegal, realistically, no one gets arrested for the skooma trade in Elsweyr. It's a safe stop for novice smugglers. The real gold is made elsewhere, and that means having to deal with authorities. Normally, trading vessels in the Dominion have the option of getting escorts for their ships, but that requires having your cargo searched. If you're carrying illicit goods, you're going to pass on that escort. This ship, the Miriam, is probably heading for somewhere like Valenwood or Alinor. If they're really ambitious, they might even sell it somewhere in the Empire, since the price is higher there. It probably will not have an escort, but as you said, it is going to be prepared for attacks. It will still be a tough target to hit." Turning her attention to the Khajiit, Sharee moved on to her next idea. "Our other option is taking on his old master's vessel. Just by looking at it, I can tell it isn't as tough. Not as much armor, not as many ballistae. It probably won't be as lucrative, but it could potentially be easier. What's your name, Kahl, right? Where is your old captain planning on selling his goods once he leaves the island?"