[center] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/19/90/1b/19901b8e5432414861583f17e096b90f.jpg] [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdkg1b72Qv1rg6jylo1_500.gif] Carina (Ellen Wolf) 20 Werewolf (Lycan) Carina is hard to handle. She doesn't like to do what people tell her to, preferring to find her own way, even if it means getting herself hurt. She's loyal when befriended but befriending takes quite a bit. She does not trust easily. Carina had a hard childhood. Her parents left her in the woods when they'd discovered she'd been bitten and even being a bitten born lycan meant that she was shunned by both parties. Lycan's hated her because of her human half and humans thought she was a monster. It wasn't until she met Kaln and his pack that she'd met anyone worth keeping around, not that she wanted to. She was a lone wolf and she liked it that way, even if Kaln and his friends said otherwise. --- [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/55/8e/e5/558ee51f94e5b206bed697a9fe0e2773.jpg] [img=http://s5.favim.com/orig/74/hot-blue-eyes-boy-boys-Favim.com-778917.jpg] Kaln (Ethan Carter) 25 Werewolf (Lycan) A leader, Kaln takes it upon himself to protect his pack. He's also too kind for his own good, though not overly. He wants to make sure no one attacks anyone near his pack again. Even if it meant sacrificing Carina. Since she wasn't and isn't a pack member, he has no qualms with using her for the betterment of the pack. He's sweet and gentle but not afraid to do bad things for what he thinks is right. Kaln grew up the leaders son, and when his father died to a hunter, he vowed to get revenge. Probably another reason he's sending Carina on this mission. When she finds the hunter, she may need to protect the hunter from Kaln rather than the other way around. Kaln has a lot on his shoulders, including protecting his mate and pups. That hunter was way too close for comfort. [/center]