[hider=Tensai Murasakiiro][center][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/147/3/d/Cyborg_Zombie_Pirate_by_TmoeGee.jpg][/center] [center][u]Name:[/u] Tensai Murasakiiro[/center] [center][u]Age:[/u] 23 (52.9 human years) Waizueirian years[/center] [center][u]Species:[/u] Waizueirian[/center] [center][u]Appearance:[/u] 7'7'' (2.31m) in height, 38.2 lb, with two bones from his Rib Cage missing (but are not stumps where they would have been, due to the fact that they can't completely heal), one is cracked, and another one one his back is facing the wrong way. His skin has a very light yellow-ish/blackish tint to it, not much, but noticable, especially in the right arm. Wears the standard Pirate outiftand has all the cyborg upgrades. His pet parrot looks like any normal parrot, but cyborg.[/center] [center][u]Personality:[/u] He, like others of his species that didn't want to be apart of the tribe anymore, both had the pursuit to fight and the pursuit for knowledge. Tensai is both smart and a fighter. He can be serious at times, but can also joke around. He's very good at being honorable to allies and friends, as is natural instinct, but he wouldn't hesitate to end their life if any ally became a threat. In summary, he loves to learn, fight, and is honorable to allies/friends.[/center] [center][u]Skills overview:[/u] Amazing melee, education, and strength from his time at the tribe and personal experience. He also has a pet cyborg Parrot.[/center] [center][u]Position on crew:[/u] Swordsman/Heavy lifter[/center] [center][u]Years on crew:[/u] 3 years[/center] [center][u]Bio:[/u] Tensai was born after the tribe conquered a planet and used it as a birthing ground, like every other Waizueirian. He lived normally as the other babies did, he crawled, he grew, he learned, until eventually, it was the day when they would either become a Scientist or Barbarian, he decided to become one of the othr type of Waizueirian, an outcast. He was born like some of the others were born, different. Instead of wanting to mindlessly kill or help mindlessly kill, they wanted to leave the tribe and go away. He was upgraded, bid farewell, and then left. He explored a bit, and learned. He fought aliens, studied, and altogether grew. He evenutally found the Station. He decided to join it, and so he did, and worked at it his hardest for three years, so far.[/center][/hider] [hider=Waizueirian(species)][center][u]Name:[/u] Waizueirian[/center] [center][u]Homeworld:[/u] The planet was a lot like Earth, but a little bit smaller and with no moons. Many, many intelligent races used to live across the planet spanning from all sorts of life-forms, befroe they were all murdered to extinction and harvested their resources and supplies. Their planet's years only last twenty-seven Earth days. The planet is now abandoned of any sort of intelligence and only holds wild species and plants.[/center] [center][u]Similar non-intelligent lifeforms:[/u] N/A[/center] [center][u]Appearance:[/u] Averagely 7'5'' (2.26 m) for females and 7'8'' (2.34m) for males in height. Average of 37.9 lb for female and 38.1 lb for male. They have no eyes, ears or noses, hair, and don't have any lips. They're skin is pure white when they are born, but as they age, it turns yellowish-black-ish over time. The Barbians either wear a 1600s human pirate, captain, or scientist outfit, depending on cultural specifics.(more detail in Cultural Traits)[/center] [center][u]Biological traits:[/u] -They take damage and are hurt by things a third averagly slower than most other species, but they regenerate half as slowly as other species, and certain parts of them cannot fully regenerate once broken. -They age at 1 : 2.3, so they age 1.23 times slower than other species. A Waizueirian at about 5 years old would be an 11 year old if they were human. -They never run out of energy, and will fight until they crumble to ashes.[/center] [center][u]Cultural traits:[/u] -When they reach youth, meaning they've developed everything but still have a lot to learn, they are either chosen to be a Barbarian or a Scientist. If they are chosen to be Barbarian, they are upgraded by Scientists and become Cyborg, then they fight in the battles between other races and conquer planets. if they are Scientist, they devote their life to studying and learning, to develope more upgrades for the Barbarians. -Once around 52 (120 human) Waizueirian years old, if they are Barbarian, they are put at the front of the lines when going into battle, so that they can take more blows than the actual young and new Barbarians. -As they age, they get more ranked. If they are Barbarian, when they get to be around 30 (70 human) Waizueirian years old, they are promoted from Pirate to Captain, because a Waizueirian rarely gets to be that old. Their outfit changes to match, as well. -All Waizueirian stick together and work as one big tribe when discovering and conquering, and would never, on their honor, betray their kind. They're different from other species in the way that they don't divide into different tribes, they stick together as one, no matter what. -The captains are always the leaders when they go out into battle, commanding the troops, organizing the scientists, etc. -When they conquer a planet, they will spend their lives gouging out it's resources and creatures, using the planet as the world's largest birthing ground and feast. -Very rarely, a Waizueirian is born different from the others, and instead of mindlessley killing other species or studyingto help mindlessley kill other species, they want to leave the tribe and live differently. And so, these are upgraded, sent out into the universe, but are not allowed to come back, due to honor rules.[/center] [center][u]Specialization:[/u] They are honorable, and would never kill of revenge. They only destroy planets at random, but are known to go after predatorial planets first, a coincidental thing that allows the other friendly species to escape the galaxy before the Waizueirian move onto their panet. Basically, they are very good warriors and tribespeople who are good at destroying predators and accidentaly allowing the friendlies to live.[/center] [center][u]Tech:[/u] Strengths- They have abolutely some of the strongest cyborg technology in the universe. It is packed with weapons, power, and energy. The scientists, putting all their work unto the cyborg upgrades, have made it so that the cyborg upgrades allow the Barbarian to scan the are and see all life forms within it and through X-Ray, let them jump extremely high, and let them swing a sword or punch very hard, and the user almost never gets tired. The upgrades are also quite light and durable. They can instanly pull a sword out of their armor for instant melee, and if the melee gets lost or broken, they can summon a new one, up to five times. Weaknesses- The cyborg upgrades cannot touch water, or else it shot-circuits and causes the Barbarian to go unconcious. The Barbarian cannot get it's core, which is located where the human heart would be, damaged or broken, or else the Barbarian goes unconcious, and then when they wake up (if it's not repaired) the upgrades will not work, and basically be turned off and unusable until repaired. Due to how the armor works, they can only use the sword that their armor gives them. Basically meaning that they can only use melee, no ranged, and the melee is only a cyborg pirate sword.[/center][/hider]