After everything he had seen so far, the fact that both the monster and the girl with the fox mask somehow created copy's didn't surprise Takuya anymore. Pulling an axe out of nowhere, he went after the monster closest to him. His weapon did no damage at all to the illusion and he realized he picked the wrong one. Suddenly he heard a voice in his head. [i]"Calm down, and you'll find the real enemy."[/i] Not knowing what else to do Takuya followed the weird advice. Taking a few deep breaths, he became aware of the scents of the battle. Thanks to that he realized that the copies had no scent of their own. Using this he quickly located the real monster and ran in it's direction. In his hurry he almost ran into a purple energy attack used by one of the others but stopped just in time. For a second he thought the injury would make his plan unnecessary, but the monster might be able to change the looks of it's copies. [i]"That stinking gas you used earlier is called Malodorant."[/i] The voice in his head said, seemingly knowing what Takuya was planning. Before the creature could recover from the previous attack Takuya released the foul gas straight at the monster. "Malodorant." He hoped the other would realize that they could use the stench to recognize the real one.