Can a male Peeping Tom get more than he bargained for? Komani Dokimi is a single male living alone in the Ocean Village officetel complex. One fall day, he sees Tamashi Sakurai and falls in love with him at first sight. When he realizes that he lives across the courtyard and he has a direct view into his apartment, he starts spying on him and voyeuristically capturing his daily routine. Working as a freelance copy editor, he is able to arrange for most of his assignments through the mail, email and text messages so he is able to limit his personal and professional interactions. Though falling in love with a man seem hard but..Komani is afraid too show it too him. Afraid of being doubted and made fun off. Gaining the fear of others and rarely going outside. ~ [b]Characters![/b] [ - Komani Dokmi - ] [Hider= Hot is Key][img][/IMG][/HIDER] [ - Tamashi Sakurai - ] [hider= Cutness is Key][img][/img][/hider]