[hider=Orkz] Species Overview sheet: Name: Orgariens to the fancier races, they call themselves Orkz Homeworld: Gromm. Desolate rock blasted to kingdom come by constant warfare. Most of the vegetation is gone and the oceans are near nonexistent. It is this putrid excuse of a planet that the Orkz call home. Similar non-intelligent lifeforms: Squigs. Short, mean, and full of teeth. The squig is a fast breeding vermin loved by the Orkz of Gromm for their tenacity and all around "orkyness". The average squig looks like a ball of teeth placed upon two clawed feet and rarely exceeds 3 feet in height. Appearance: The average ork is about 6 to 7 feet tall of muscle and bone, but warriors grow larger as they survive battles. Age brings about a darkening of skin pigments which is a good measure of how old an ork is. Starting at a bright green then steadily darkening as they grow older. Another feature famous to orks are their teeth. On average, these teeth can get to be about three inches in length with two larger tusks located on the lower jaw. Finally orks do not grow hair. Biological traits: -An ork would have to be exceedingly exceedingly lazy to get fat and by the time he did so he would have died. Basically orkz don't really get fat. -The reason that orks have green skin is that they are actually part plant, with chlorophyll laced into their bodies. This makes them able to survive if food is short. -Ork teeth, or Teef, grow exceptionally fast. So much so that Gromm's economy is ran by how much teef you have, it seems to work for them. -It would seem that Orks were created specifically for surviveability in mind. With their fast breeding rates and monumental ability to survive even the most serious wounds its a miracle that they seem to fight amongst themselves than with the other races of the galaxy. -From birth, Orkz have an instinctual knowledge on how to battle. However there are a select few that are born with more specialized knowledge. These few are called Wyrd Boyz and they known how one facet of science works on an instinctive level. How well they fallow these instincts is another thing entirely. -In theory, Orks can live for hundreds of years. However their constant warring with each other leads to short lives. -Finally the difference between male and female is slight. Females look slimmer and more athletic than the huge muscles of the males. Cultural traits: Orks don't have a religion as much as "Orky Rulez". -"Da biggest is da best" -"Neva run from a fight" -"Explodin is jus a part of learnin" -"You can neva have enough Dakka" Secondly orkz love combat, its basically in their DNA to fight. As such there is no term for "Civilian" or "Non-Combatant" in the Ork language. This has gotten them in more trouble than they care to admit, or remember. Specialization: For the most part, muscle. Orkz aren't the smartest creatures in the galaxy but they can hit harder than most and keep em coming. However their mechanics, or "Mek Boyz" are geniuses when it comes to making things work with limited resources. Tech: Rusty, banged up, and reliable. Ork tech may not look pretty, or practical... or sensical, but you can't deny that it works. For the most part they are made from scrap metal and god knows what else, but they are known to work even under the most strenuous of environments. One thing that they have going for them is their inovation of turning metors into sprawling cities.[/hider] --- [center][img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111012142822/d__/dow/images/7/7b/Ork_mekboy_art.jpg][/center] [center]Height: 8'0 (243.84cm)[/center] [center]Weight: 329 lbs (149.232kg)[/center] Name: Lugnaught but people just call him Lug. Age: 50 Species: Ork Personality: Lug is a fairly affable fellow that likes to kick back with a strong drink every once in awhile. When on the job or invested in a new invention he is kind of a grump but not to the extent of being a jerk, he is more stern than anything. Oddly enough, Lug has lost the inherent aggression that is present in all orkz and he will be the first to tell you that it is in fact, a good thing. When intoxicated, Lug turns into a boisterous Ork who tends to boast and challenge others to feats of strength. Skills overview: An ork "Mek Boy", Lug can fix almost anything mechanical in nature like mechs, trucks, and engines. However he doesn't have a clue on how to fix things that are more energy oriented, nor does he want to. Lasers just ain't orky enough. Position on crew: All around Mechanic, repair man, and emergency miner. Years on crew: 2 and a quarter. Bio: A long time ago, Lug was just a mek boy in a war band. Day in and day out all Lug would do was fix things the other orkz broke. Trucks, battle wagons, tanks, mechs, guns, and cybernetics. To Lug it was all quite boring to him, he wanted more. After his 40th year, Lug stole a flyer and traveled to some far off planet that didn't even have a name. While there he did the same thing he did before but added mining into the mix and he loved it. For once in his life, Lug's every waking moment wasn't dominated by fixing broken crap. Lug spent a good 6 years on the planet but he soon found that it was lacking... danger. As an ork, Lug needed danger. It was an itch that needed to be scratched. Quickly leaving, Lug bounced around and took odd jobs from time to time. Eventually, Lug found that a man named Julius was in need of a mechanic when his previous one died in a explosion/fire/ass tons of shrapnel. When Lug found out that other dangerous stuff can happen on the ship he practically begged to work on the ship. Since then he has been a diligent mechanic and has come to like everyone on the ship in one way or another.