Remi received the book with a small squeal of excitement while the caravan marched along. Killak had been walking beside her, the two were deep in a talk about the comet that was due to pass by again. Killak noted his companion's excitement then read the note on it. If he knew Remi, she'd devote any time off to this latest project. She'd have the time since he saw to it that her active studies and experiments would be incubating, resting, or suspended. The savant, as smart as she was, needed to be kept busy; she was happiest when she was. The two continued to talk, even after his jinchuuriki sister laid on his back to read. The girl was enraptured in the book and finished her preliminary read through before they made it to Suna. She honestly disliked the wind country, there was just too much sand that she could NOT play with. Nonetheless, she received her orders and immediately went to check into the same hotel as her Empress. She bought the room closest to the only entrance to the floor. After she settled in, she left again to go buy local supplies she'd need to start her latest study. She'd read in one of her scrolls that a good way to foster good relations abroad was to stimulate local economies. trip it was...ugh.