[quote=Zagreus] Hi Juju! You got me very interested in this game before, and I am fascinated in your description of necromancy and the morticians. I was wondering if you could expand upon / reiterate it a little to give me some inspiration, since I was thinking of making some sort of socialite mortician. Also, in regards to the quest for Sudoku, what are some obvious reasons a mortician may pursue it? Is it possible for someone to not go on the quest to collect the pieces, but instead to do so for other reasons (such as for a mortician thinking "there will be a most definite need for my services")? [/quote] Well, like i've stated before in the Interest check, Necromancers have little to none of the stigma we have against raising people from the dead, because necromancy has become an Institution. When you die, your body gets donated to the common cause, and your friendly neighbourhood Mortician will slice off your meaty body to be buried, cremated, mulched into fertilizer, sacrificed to whichever god you believe in, etc... and animate your skeleton into a form capable of turning cranks, pushing levers, and working most of the background machinery for the common cause. Even in death, they still serve. Animated skeletons are better manual labourers then most living animals or beasts of burden, like oxen or horses. Even then, they freak people out, so you still see horses and oxen being used to pull carts. Also, given the context, this makes the Shawl and staffs look of most of our [url=https://www.google.es/search?q=Necromancers&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=kb3sU_bhMsqo0QXT8oGgAw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1093&bih=615#q=necromancer%20art&revid=2028343088&tbm=isch&imgdii=_]world's view of necromancers [/url] in this world look like [url=https://www.google.es/search?q=Riding+a+horse+gear&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=LMDsU6uBLceY0QWZ7YHICg&ved=0CCgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=615]Horseriding tack. [/url] Necromancers (Mortician is the job description, Necromancer is the act itself. Like the difference between working a washing machine and being a laundromat attendant.) keep their fingers of the pulse of society. Most if not all of them are licensed by the guild in Bonne Chance, so new schools of thought not approved of the guild, or even something simple like animating the dead for your own personal benefit could be seen as grounds for being forced to commit Sudoku for your crimes of "Seditious and treasonable activity."