You see, the people I roleplay with don't really like fxf so I never get the chance to do it. Yeah, they're supportive of LGBT+ but they just don't like to do it. Though one of my friends and I are doing a fxf roleplay and it's so refreshing lol. I'm so used to having to do fxm roleplays that they don't bug me anymore, especially since I end up playing the man most of the time. It gets old, so I'm glad that we're doing something a little bit different. Yeah, of course! I don't care how slow we go. Romances don't happen [i]that[/i] quickly in real life, right? Yup, this is her first year in college and she's super excited to be away from home. It's a 16+ hour car ride so that won't be fun but she's happy to be that far away from home.