The small group of illusory Aurelia's in front of Evvie stepped aside to let the rock fly between them, resulting in only one of them getting hit by it, and the other one avoiding it entirely. The one hit turned to smoke, disappearing entirely after a few seconds. They moved fluidly as if alive and aware of what was happening. Perhaps a little too much; as if they weren't walking on rocky ground. The real Aurelia grinned underneath her hood, her eyes following Evvie without moving aside from that; the less inconspicuous she was, the less the chance that the dragonness would discover her. Her eyes briefly darted towards three of the copies off the the side, the ones Evvie was currently charging towards, and had them move. At first they jumped back, but they soon charged her from the front and both sides, scythes raised and ready to strike once they were within range. If given the chance they'd swing at both her arms and neck, but even if they were to hit would do no damage despite appearing as if they cut through. [i]Not much left,[/i] she silently mused, feeling the thrum of power emanating from her scythe. Her smile widened. Soon, Evvie would go 'night night', as she had phrased it herself.