This is what I got so far.... [center] "On that day, mankind received grim reminder. We lived in fear of the titans, and were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls." -Eren Yeager ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The year was 845, the towns were bustling with excitement. Salesmen and merchants opened their shops in hopes for yet another fruitful day. The children in the dusty streets kicked their leather ball with passion as they started to play together. The sun shined magnificently through the open sky, and the slight breeze that swept in and out of the districts was pleasant to the touch. There couldn't be a better day than this one, for it had everything the townspeople wanted. All towns in all the walls surely must have been pleased with mother nature as she bequeathed such a beautiful day upon them. Hearts were broken when such a beautiful and fantastic day turned to terror and despair. The hooded men...It was obvious they were not trying to be discreet or inconspicuous in any way. A group of four men, dressed in dark blue robes that looked black in the shadows, hoods covering their faces as they walked impassively through the streets the town. Every town on the edge of wall Maria had these men briskly walking through them, walking towards the outer most wall of the town. Walking towards the gate that lead outside. The clock struck 12. The church bells started to chime. On the first chime of the church bells, the outer most gates started to rise. The feet of the titans could be seen under the rising gate by anybody close by. By the time the fifth chime of the church bells rung, the gates in every town on the edge of wall Maria had been fully opened, letting the titans pour in. At this time, the hooded men were fleeing with 3 dimensional manoeuvre gear, but not fleeing to wall rose, but to outside the walls...Beyond the gate. Panic erupted in the streets as people fled for their lives. The titans walked, destroying houses in their way, eating people as they saw fit. The majority of the town ran to wall Maria, but to their misfortune the gates opened... And they stayed open. The titans were not trapped in the towns that protruded from wall Maria, they now had access to the inside of the wall. There was no hope. The people tried to flee, but they weren't fast enough. Only a few hundred people made it inside wall Rose were a sense of security was the only thing keeping them from going mad. Three years have passed, since that fateful encounter. The year is 847, and the army has never had so many recruits before. For the past 3 years the army had 20% more recruits than their yearly average. It may seem that people are starting to think differently now they they have come face to face with titans. It may seem that people want change. Those people...They will show their courage and resolve at this years registration. They will show their bravery and their will to move forward at this years ceremony for initiates.[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------ [/center] You'll be playing a character who's town was destroyed by titans, and you managed to get inside wall rose. The rp starts after you've been recruited into the army. I'm basing this Roleplay and my knowledge off of the anime, so if anything contradicts the [i]Manga[/i], don't be a butt, keep it to yourself. There will be more information added once this gets more interest. Now.... EXPRESS YO INTEREST, AND ADD YO OPINIONS !!!! I will answer questions, If you have any.