Struggling a bit against the grips of the two Eve guards, Zoran-Theia cussed and cursed them. If anyone knew that it was wise to take a real fear from dark curses, it would be the people of Eve. The last kingdom to know the old magics; so it was said. It was regretful, though, that while she may look the part of a woodland witch, Zoran-Theia had never learned any sort of [I]real[/I] dark curses. But at least she could make it sound good. "The gods will have your souls for this, you sinful bastards. They know what you have done. You know not, I am the daughter of death himself, Grenth the all powerful master over life and death is my protector. He will destroy you. He will torture you for endless eternities." She struggled a bit more, twisting her shoulders, and then began to mumble and murmur in a dead language of old, of which she learnt some various phrases from that crazy old bitch who raised her. Most of them translated into offensive expressions, or a few soup recipes, but it was a generally unrecognizable dialect, which could sound fairly creepy when spoken in the right tone. Hopefully the guards dragging her along would take it as a curse upon their souls. Already regretting her surrender, she drug her hills a bit as they pulled her along. She had thought, the only way out of the situation would have been killing the two guards. Sure she was skilled, but her training was somewhat limited, and her desire to kill innocents was little to nothing. Today she had no desire to kill innocents, of course some days the mood struck her, and she would be capable of striking anyone down without a second thought. [I]Why couldn't I have had one of those days..?[/I] She huffed. It was probably better this way, even if she had been able to defeat both of the hefty men, it would have been a rush to gather her things and get off of the island. At least this way she had a little more time to plan. All she had to do, is find a way to sneak off into the shadows, without anyone noticing for enough time to give herself a head start. Of course, now she was right in the midst of the largest city of Eve, and her odd appearance seemed to draw more than a few stares. [I]If only you ignorant cowards knew, Kantle has never been much of a home to me...[/I] With a sigh she looked up at the sky and thought of her father. "I have more reason to hate that wicked place than even you bastards do." [I]And yet...[/I] She shook off the feeling. [B]Never again.[/B]