Not sure if this ship has soldiers to protect against space pirates or anything, but I figured I'd give it a shot Here's my A team: [b]Name[/b] Isam Hajjar [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Species:[/b] Human, Iraqi [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Isam is a serious, all business kind of guy. He's often the straight man (no pun) to Yasha's nonsense. Isam's best quality could be loyalty. To the people he likes, he is very loyal. That said, there aren't very many people that he likes. Isam doesn't care for those who would play space cowboy rather than getting their jobs done. Yet, somehow, him and Yasha have remained friends. Despite being seen as a guy who can't take a joke, Isam is known for his snarky sense of humor. [b]Skills overview:[/b] Military training, multi-lingual (fluent in Arabic, Kurdish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, English, and French), trained in field medicine, a quick learner. [b]Position on crew:[/b] Hired soldier. He's around to make sure space pirates or the like don't kill them all. [b]Years on crew:[/b] 3 [b]Appearance:[/b] Isam is 5'6" and muscular. His hair is black, curly, and shoulder length. It's often unbrushed and unruly, sometimes worn back in a ponytail. Being the manly man that he is, Isam shows off his black, fuzzy chest hair with pride. He often sports facial hair that changes depending on if he feels like shaving that morning. It grows back fairly quick. His skin is a medium brown, and his eye are dark brown. His fashion choices are hardly that; Isam is a utilitarian by nature. He wears army pants, earth tone t-shirts and tank tops, and combat boots almost every day of his life. [img][/img] [b]History:[/b] Was born in a small village in Iraq. When Isam was young, yet another war broke out in his country that required more soldiers than they had. When he was 12, men stormed into his village and took every male old enough to hold a gun and forced them to enlist for the sake of their country. Isam spent 16 years in the military, and during that time, he was captured by enemy soldiers, was tortured, escaped, blew up several enemy camps, almost lost his left leg once, learned several languages, became a translator during interrogations of enemies, eventually began interrogating enemies himself, was captured a second time, escaped again, and decided that he'd had enough. Isam left the military and Iraq behind. All of his surviving family members had been killed by city bombings, the country was in shambles, and there was nothing left for him there. However, war was in his nature. Isam was raised a soldier, and he found that he couldn't just walk away from it. He tried. Isam moved to France where he planned to be a good Muslim man, leave his former violent life behind, and work a good, honest living. It lasted about two seconds. Isam's affection for alcohol, mixed with anxiety and paranoia left over from the war, got him into more trouble than he liked to admit. It wasn't until he met Omar that he calmed his shit down. Omar was a chef at one of Isam's favorite restaurants. Isam would never had admitted it, but he mostly just went there to talk to Omar and watch him cook. There was something about the kind hearted man that put Isam at ease. He was fond of Omar, and he soon found that Omar felt the same towards him. Isam spent three years in France, and during that time, him and Omar moved in together and Isam struggled to find a decent job. Omar was actually the one who found him the job on Trade Station Alpha. They were looking for soldier for hire, ones that didn't have governments and military rules attached to them. Omar had already landed a job on the station as the head chef of 'human cuisine'. It didn't take much convincing to get Isam to sign up. His skills sheet and resume was outstanding, if you look past all the bar fights and nights spent in the local jail house during his first year in France. Isam and Omar were shipped up to the station to begin their respective duties, and Isam met his new job partner: Yasha. --- [b]Name:[/b] Yasha Belov [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Species:[/b] Human, Russian [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Yasha is an interesting character. He's the type that gives everyone insulting nicknames, picks on new recruits, and plays poker with anyone dumb enough to place a bet. He's loud, boisterous, and makes eyes at anything that may possibly have a uterus. Essentially, the exact opposite of Isam. The two bickered back and forth for the first few months they were forced to work together, but they eventually bonded over their shared love for vodka. Yasha and Isam are now best of buds, their personalities playing off of each other. [b]Skills overview:[/b] Military background, excellent card player, very good strategist, can drink half a bottle of vodka and remain conscious. [b]Position on crew:[/b] Hired mercenary [b]Appearance:[/b] Yasha is a large, muscular man. He stands at 6'2", has pale skin and dirty blonde hair that is kept in a neat buzz cut. His eyes are a gray-ish blue. Yasha usually wears his uniform around the station, even though it's completely unnecessary. [img][/img] [b]Years on crew:[/b] 3 [b]History:[/b] Yasha grew up in Kazan, Russia. His mother had been a drug addict, and overdosed when Yasha was 5. He was left to be raised by his father, who fell into depression after the loss of his wife. The man was an alcoholic, and a violent one at that. After Yasha's mother had died, his father had essentially lost interest in being a father. He would often invite his equally drunken friends over to watch soccer games, drink, and play poker while Yasha hid in his room and pretended not to exist. Yasha wanted to get out of the house as soon as he could, and joining the military seemed like the best option. However, Yasha had something of an authority issue when he was younger. His father's abuse had turned him into a rebellious little shit. After 6 years of service, his shenanigans finally got him dismissed from the armed forces. But Yasha didn't give up easily. He was going to be a soldier whether the military wanted him or not. Maybe it was some inner need to make something of himself rather than turn into his father. He went into the mercenary business when he was 24. His job allowed him to travel the world, gathering skills as he went. Yasha slowly lost most of his 'punkass kid' attitude, but his personality remained as flamboyant as ever. He jumped at the chance to work on the Trade Station Alpha when it was offered. Despite how he portrayed himself, Yasha was intelligent, skilled, and a clear choice to defend the station. --- Minor character: [b]Name:[/b] Omar Bada [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Species:[/b] Human, Afghan [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Omar is a good natured man. He's friendly, kind, and he gets along well with everyone. Omar loves his job on the station, and it clearly shows. If asked nicely, he's always willing to whip up something special or exotic for the station's workers. He's baked many-a-birthday cakes, each one with love and care put into it. His outgoing personality is nothing like Isam's introverted and quiet nature, but Omar tends to bring out the best in him. He's always encouraging Isam to socialize more, like a mother hen worrying about if her kid is making friends in school. [b]Skills overview:[/b] He can cook. Holy shit can this man cook. [b]Position on crew:[/b] Head chef of the human cuisine section of the kitchen. [b]Years on crew:[/b] 3 [b]Appearance:[/b] Omar is 5'8" and a little bit pudgy. He has medium brown skin, short, wavy black hair, and a neatly trimmed sideburns/beard/mustache deal. He can often be found with a smile on his face and a happy glimmer in his eye. He likes to wear comfortable clothing: jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, ect. [img][/img] [b]History:[/b] Omar was born in Herat, Afghanistan. When he was 15, him and his parents moved to France to get away from the constant war and terror that plagued their country. He liked France; it was a nice change of scenery. He began to pursue his interests in becoming a chef. He started at the bottom and worked his way up, working with some of the toughest chefs the small country had to offer. He moved to Paris once to work in a big, fancy restaurant, but found that the city was too busy and loud for him. After he moved to a smaller and quieter town, he met Isam. When he'd first laid eyes on the man, he was sitting alone at his table with a black eye and a busted lip, nursing a large mug of black coffee. He had clearly been suffering from what appeared to be a terrible hangover. Omar felt a stab of pity and made him breakfast on the house. After that, Isam became a regular. He would stop by often and two the would talk until Omar had to get back to work. He suspected that Isam was just lonely, but there was something charming about the way the man lit up whenever they spoke. Omar hadn't realized that he'd developed feelings for the man until Isam stopped coming for a while. Omar found himself worrying that the man might have gotten himself killed or something equally stupid. When Isam returned, Omar found out that he had spent a few weeks in prison for causing a scene at a bar. That had been the final straw. Omar sat down and had a heart to heart with Isam, basically telling him to get his shit together, because his life was worth a lot more than getting drunk and getting into fights. It was during that conversation that they finally confronted the feelings that had developed between them. After Isam had moved in with Omar, things calmed down. Isam finally had a reason to shape his shit up, and Omar was happy to help him. When Omar got a job on the Trade Station Alpha as a chef, he knew he couldn't leave Isam behind. He found the opening for security and Isam got the job. Omar has been happily working in the kitchen since.