The wind picked up as a twister formed over the ridge, descending Into the valley of Vygorns. Cora smirked under her gag, knowing Aerilyn had the power in herself all along. And as the stomy distraction played out, Phill snuck in behind them and preceded to cut through metal with light. Cora was freed first, and she ripped off her gag the moment she could, standing. The gag tore away in the wind. Remnants of cuffs still remained around her wrists, but she could remove them later.  Before Will was freed, Phil found himself underneath the red-streaked Vygorn's boot. Its soulless eyes revealed the malevolence she knew it wasn't afraid to unleash, and Cora felt a chill up her spine. A huge beast came to the rescue, digging its teeth into the Vygorn. Will took it a step further and tackled it, despite still have his hands bound. Cora moved to his side, seeing the red-streaked Vygorn struggle to breath as the air was knocked from it. Thick, fearsome Ice snakes burst from the desert soil, wrapping themselves repeatedly around the limbs of the Vygorn, from wrist to shoulder, then a couple times around his chest, constricting his breathing movements. However, she was well aware he only needed to flex his muscles, and the ice would shatter. But this would buy time. [b]"Will, Phil, we have to get the fuck outta here. Now." [/b]She said matter-of-factly, urgency coloring her words.[b] "Come on, get up." [/b]Her hands pulled up on Will's elbow, getting him to stand. She held his wrists for a moment, inserting a growing chunk of ice in the chains, nodding to herself as she heard the pop of a broken link. A part of her mind lingered on their touch, but she dismissed it just as quickly.  [b]"You're good, now let's go. That ice won't hold him, and we're outmanned and outpowered. We have to go before they get organized with their attacks and start picking us off like flies." [/b]She shuddered, remembering what happened in her last battle with the Vygorns.  Irys pinged Cora's mind, and she turned around just as a blade soared toward her eyes. Without thinking, she pulled out one of the ice daggers tied to her back. The clash of metal on metal sent sparks and shockwaves ricocheting off the valley mountains. Cora struggled under such a powerful hit, knowing she couldn't keep it up. She opened her mouth as a fine, powdery mist exhaled from her lungs in an attempt to flash freeze her assailing Vygorn. It leapt back in a snarl of disgust, arms and face already half frozen.  Using those extra seconds, Cora made a dash for the twister, only getting close enough to use it as a cover in her way out. The air was sharp and unbreathable with all the sand flying around. She pulled her face mask up over her nose, breathing haggardly through her mouth as she aimed for the steadily inclining terrain. The sand bit and stung her exposed arms, but she ignored the pain as best she could. It was difficult to see, was she going the right way still?