I have come up with an idea for my characters sprites. For Mawkish I was thinking that her tier 1 could be a bottle of Prospitian Ajax ( Ajax is a cleaning product) which would result in Pixiesprite. From 1948 to 1959 the Ajax Pixies were that products mascot. Post-entry I was thinking of a dead gecko turning it into Geckosprite. This would result in the underlings and kings and queens having acces to ( some of ) the following: green outfits and hats, pointy ears, fairy wings and a tendency to dance in large groups. For Looting I want to do both tiers pre entry namely : rabbit meat (his meal) and a stolen knight figurine which would result in Knightsprite and give these things to the underlings and royalty, improved hearing and smell, strong legs and powerful jumps, and/or a full suit of armor, they would also be much faster. What do you think? BTW you don't have to tell me your idea's, just looking for input