Hello everyone! I find myself with a craving to all things Dragon Age, and while I am an hopeless redoer before I even finish the games, I would greatly prefer something to do with Original character with us playing with the settings, as I have with me right now the Encyclopedia of Thedas and I am completely in love with the world and settings. I am currently looking for a few partners that would be willing to plot and fangirl/boy with me about the story we may craft, the setting and the characters. That person would have to be able to craft at least two well written paragraphs per post and hopefully have a blast both chatting OOC in the PM or OOC thread we make and in the IC area itself. It's for fun, people, let's enjoy it and have no calm at abusing the Dragon Age wiki ;D! I play both male and female of any orientation, and would love to explore any race or character type, so go wild with the plotting, you won't scare me away!