Silence fell over all the wolves when another one joined in. He knew it was the alpha, why else would silence fall so fast? "My business is surviving! I never had an issue with your pack until now. I knew where you guys were. But this territory isn't marked. Therefore, I came down here to hunt. As usual." He pointed his nose towards the one who caged him. "She caged me. And he," His nose moved to the male who had tried to free him, "Was trying to let me go. You packs sure have an issue with loners, its a shame that I had to kill one alpha a week ago. I let the son take alpha, now, we are at peace." He stood up in the cage. "I would suggest letting me go to prevent war. I haven't been by there today, they will know something is wrong." He stared at the alpha. Bruce wasn't even afraid of the band that was around here. They were smaller then him, but they probably had elements, like him. Thankfully, they couldn't sense his.