Her sights were already lined up in the general vicinity of the demon who seemed to be finding whatever the other hunters had to say, rather hilarious. It didn't matter where she hit him - her bullets were pretty poisonous if the shrapnel of them got into the bloodstream. Of course, she could feel the power dripping from him and knew that the few rounds she had on her person would not suffice to bring down such a beast. Strangely enough though, she had the nagging feeling that he wasn't much of a beast; he felt remarkably civil from the hesitant prods she unleashed on him. Still though, Cara wasn't taking a single chance. Her focus on the situation was so much so that she barely even caught the tail end of Claws' apology. [b]"About earlier- I didn't mean that. The only demons I had in mind were the ones that were out to kill us, but I guess that's my fault for being so narrow-minded, huh? I'm sorry about all that."[/b] Her sigh must not have been sufficient evidence enough that she wasn't in the mood for some teary-eyed encounter. Still though, she couldn't help but feel a pang of tolerance towards the same person that she had branded an "Asshole" only a few minutes earlier. They were all going through a hard time, admittedly and maybe he just didn't have the biggest mental capacity? Not only that but the sociable side of her knew that appearing as an uptight bitch wasn't the best idea. Turning around, she lowered her gun to the ground and watched him with hesitant eyes, slowly narrowing as if to judge him before she deemed him acceptable. Her small hand darted out and took his in a shy handshake. "Look, Claws-" Was it really the best idea to use her mental nickname for him in this situation? "-I know that we're going through a lot but keep your mouth shut for a bit. I'm not the biggest fan of killing puppies- not to say that you're a puppy or anything or that I have any like of killing puppies..." [i]Just shut up already, Cara.[/i] "Look, people just won't take very kindly to you throwing around names like that." A light blush touched her cheeks - she really was horrible at all these social encounters. Pulling her hand away with slightly downcast eyes, she resumed her watch to discover that the demon had disappeared and left the other hunters at the gate looking rather confused. Cara felt relieved - she wasn't particularly fond of demons after spending most of her childhood around them but she still felt weary from filling her own kind with bullets. Realising that she wasn't tired enough to warrant rest and that the demon incident had blown over, she made do with trying to repair the already strained relationship between her and Claws. Standing, she slung her gun around her shoulder again and shot her small hand up again. "I'll go with you-" Steve? Was it Steve? All she could remember was Jelly. "-Steve?" She answered but made it seem hesitant enough to forge it into a question of sorts. "Yeah... Steve." She confirmed to herself before nodding and padding after him. The cute little demon was still with him and she looked kind of hungry but Cara thought that fruit probably wasn't on her list of desirable foods.