Ok, I'm reading your CS now, everyone. So I'll post them as I read them: Jynxlynx: I assume this asteroid belt where you lost your Mech is in another system, right? It's ok if it is, I just want to make sure. I can write that they were out of the solar system for a while, so that's why it took Julius over a year to call Chris. I've already decided that Julius was waiting for his cousin to grow up before recruiting him, now that they travel out of the system regularly, I can say this was the first time they were in the solar system since his 18th birthday. Anyways, you're approved. Bobo: I kind of like the idea of a cyborg-zombie-pirate, but I'm wondering what would happen if the ship runs into his own people. Also, if they conquer and exploit worlds like that, how accepted would he be among other races? Seems like their could be a good bit of resentment there. Anyway, approved. Pathfinder: That explains how that got to be part of Earth Mythos. Of course, we've got an elf, so your people wouldn't have been the first alien race to visit Earth. I'm assuming that the various English sounding names (Orkz, Mek Boyz, etc.) are just accented translations, or how they pronounce it when speaking English? Also, how did they go into space if they don't like energy based tech? I like the idea of their tech being built for durability, though. Very practical when your people are that strong, and have few technicians to keep their stuff working. It also sounds like they may have been engineered for the planet, especially with the genetic knowledge thing. Regardless, accepted. Tawkua: I hope she's got experience with hyperspace piloting. Far from solar systems, it can get a bit treacherous for small ships, at least until enough big ships move through the area that it "calms down" (aka: runs out of plasma storms, trapped meteors, tachyon streamers, etc.) A hacker would definitely come in handy too. Mind if I give the ship an especially slippery alien computer virus so he has something to do in the beginning? Accepted. Metronome: Interesting mercenaries. Yasha sounds like someone Julius would get along with really well. I suspect that the Chef will be the only one, though, so there isn't really a "human" section in the kitchen on the ship. Or are they on the station, and Julius hasn't hired them yet? Either way's fine. There would definitely be demand for their services on the station and the ship. Accepted. Swarley: We could use a good navigator. I also like the Atlas Tattoo. Accepted.