[center][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/4fd5981d7e562b75e0dae91b3b46573d/tumblr_n1qayvrUZD1qgvnbno1_500.jpg][/center] [center]Name: Eliza Marko Age: 25 Species: Human Personality: Chill and fun loving. Eliza is someone who seems to be happy pretty much all the time, but not in a way that is obnoxious, she is usually very relaxed for someone so outgoing. Skills overview: Has been on ships since she was 17, been navigating since she was 19, has some experience running small smuggling vessels between worlds. Position on crew: Navigator Years on crew: 2 years Bio: Eliza was born to a poor family in a colony on Mars. Her parents moved there looking for a new life after Earth became more and more crowded, though what they found on the new world was more or less the same than what they were living in on Earth. They did their best though, raising their daughter to the norms of the Tausav culture (A small sect of people living in Bosnia who thrived in the late 23rd century but whose numbers have been dwindling ever since). This involved constant dying of Eliza's hair as well as the cultural makeup. This was shunned by most of Eliza's peers, as many of them had not ever known of the Tausav people. Eliza looked to the skies for comfort, always dreaming of one day getting to fly in between the beautiful stars. At the age of seventeen Eliza dropped out of school and took up a low level job on a cargo ship. She was particularly interested in navigation and spent a lot of time with the navigator on the ship. By the time she was nineteen she was junior navigator on shipping runs between galaxies for a few years before breaking out on her own to do some less than legal work. After a couple years doing that with moderate degrees of success she decided it was probably better she didn't run a ship without help. She stayed at Trade Station Alpha for a couple months before meeting Julius at a time when she was low on cash.[/center] Hope this is all okay and that I didn't screw anything up.