Link could only hope that the battle plan he was given worked and his friends would be confident enough to pull it off, at least he thought them as his friends by now. While he didn’t know their feelings towards him or if they gave him any level of trust, he looked out back onto the field as a sandstorm started around the giant man. His plan was underway, his hope now lying on whether Nayrin and Sophos could do their stuff and Caelan to dish out the freeze. Holding his hands up steady, he watched as Sophos allowed Nayrin to attack and Caelan to create the water like he needed to. Looking between them, he could only hope that he could find the strength he needed to pull off this attack and the courage he had been missing since locking it away. Onyx was quickly struggling with the attacks, watching as he tried to rid the sand from his vision. Now wasn’t quite the time, he needed to wait and see what was going to happen and if he was going to manage to get the bolt to hit his target. He could easily screw this up and if he did then what was the point in their efforts. Watching Nayrin and Sophos get to work, he held his breath for just a moment, he steadily aimed his bolt to try and get a good shot. He needed to wait for Nayrin to finish her attack and for Caelan to send ice Onyx’s way. Not relying on seeing Caelan attack, he kept his attack steady as the ice quickly formed narrowing his gaze. Link couldn’t wait any longer; Nayrin had to get out of there now that the perfect situation had arisen. Just one shot he had and it had to count, otherwise he was going to look like an idiot and everyone else was going to be in trouble. Narrowing his gaze, he watched Onyx before noticing Nayrin being pulled out by a portal, immediately giving him a good chance. Moving his foot forward, he held his gaze before widening his eyes, his arms stiffening and bracing themselves before firing off the bolt straight for the giant man.